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propeller type current meters



1)propeller type current meters,旋桨式流速仪2)Propeller,旋桨3)Propeller,螺旋桨4)Screw propeller,螺旋桨5)screw,螺旋桨6)propeller shaft,螺旋桨轴


The Application of Propeller Flow Velocity Meter and Its Special Sensor in the River Project Model;


According to the special requirements of engineering experiment, the authors developed mini- propeller sensor, sensors of velocity distribution along vertical line, sensors of velocity distribution along horizontal line with elevating frame and underwater sensor, which can used for measuring the velocity in lakes and channels.

根据工程实验的特殊需要 ,研制了渠道 /湖泊用微型旋桨式流速传感器、垂线流速分布传感器、带升降架的水平线流速分布传感器和潜水型流速传感器 ,本文介绍了这些传感器的基本结构、测量误差分析 ,并研究了它们在工程特殊测流问题中的应用 。

According to the special requirements of engineering experiment,the importance and investigation of propeller folw meter are expatiated in engineering model test.


Origination of Gas Hole in Cu Alloy Propeller;


Aluminous air propeller composite anti-corrosion technology;


Cutting tool selection in the NC machining of propeller blade with a constant pitch;


Study on simulated system of boati s propulsion motor and screw propeller s load;


This paper analyzes the mechanism of underwater vehicle′s radiating noise,especially the noise with linear PSD (Power Spectral Density),and predicts the line spectrum′s frequencies of dynamic device and screw propeller respectively.


The results obtained from the simulation testing by double digital signal processing(DSP) system confirm that the DTC system fits for synchronous motor with screw propeller by three level inverter and the system operation performance is perfect.


This paper posits that the flow at stern will be unusual if designing stern lines without considering of U or V of body lines and exit angle of water lines;random flow around screw will directly make the ship vibrate hard.


But till now, the deflective force of single-screw ship for stopping maneuver haven t been discussed fully, people can t explain the intricate deflective phenomenon.


In screw design,the selecting of operating mode immediately influence the economy and reliability of ship,in order to bring more economic benefit to ship owner,in this paper,the matching of ship,engine and sc rew has been investigated from an angle of reducing energy.

在设计螺旋桨时 ,选择不同的工况点直接影响船舶的经济性及可靠性 ,本文从节能的角度探讨船、机、桨匹配问题 ,以使船东能获得较大经济效益。

By studying the reliability in designing calculation of the propeller shaft s diameter with reliable analyzing method, the paper presents an actual analyzing method with instances.
