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oil operated reverse gear



1)oil operated reverse gear,油动换向装置2)global oil movement,油动3)servomotor,油动机4)Actuator,油动机5)hydraulic servomotor,油动机6)diesel engine,柴油动力7)oil power,石油动力8)oil-driven pump,油动泵<冶>9)behavior of oil recovery,采油动态10)oil recovery performance,采油动态


The paper makes analysis and discussion of problems which occurred on trial operation of ND(G) 83/83/07-9 type feed water pump steam driving turbine,such as units could not be reset and latched,high and low voltage governing servomotor inadequate stroked,lower lubricating and protecting oil pressure etc.


After putting CN635/9 steam turbine unit of Nanjing Chemical Industry Co into operation, serious vibration of the servomotor and oilpipe in the governing system had occurred.


The causes leading to swaying of servomotor for double extraction steam turbine in Anqing Petrochemical Thermal Power Plant have been analysed from some main aspects, such as setup of system parameters, delay rate of the servomotor, and closed loop control of the double extraction steam turbine etc.

主要从系统参数设置、油动机迟缓率以及双抽机组闭环控制等诸多方面 ,分析了安庆石化热电厂双抽式汽轮机油动机产生晃动的原因 ,并提出了排除故障的应对措施 ,这些措施实施后效果良好 ,提高了汽轮机运行的安全

The static prediction method is to measure the processing time of actuators movement when the turbine unit is under stationary state, and then predict the load rejection highest rising speed.


The 6 # generator s hydraulic servomotor in Huangpu power plant is prone to get stuck while operating.

针对黄埔发电厂 6 # 机组高压调门油动机存在的卡涩现象 ,根据设备解体的具体情况 ,找出主要原因。

The influence of Tibet plateau environment on the diesel engine s performance of military oil equipment, such as power, economy and low - temperature starting were examined, furthermore, some measures were given to improve engine s pe.
