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by water



1)by water,由水路;旧河道2)by water,由水路旧河道3)free surface,自由水面4)Free water,自由水5)Free water,自由水(增)6)free water surface,自由水面7)free water vortex,自由水涡8)free hydraulic jump,自由水跃9)free water tritium,自由水氚10)free moisture,自由水分


Based on the σ-coordinate transformation to fit the complicated boundary,the VOF to track the moving free surface and the SIMPLE algorithm,this paper proposes a vertical 2D unsteady flow and suspended material distribution model.


The flow field with free surface around two different configurations of a trimaran at several Froude numbers was simulated.


The free surface of the flow can be obtained from the discrete solution of the free surface flow equation.


Meso-mechanism of effects of free water on mechanical properties of concrete under confined compression;


The contents of free water and bound water were also calculated.

为弄清烤烟品种 K32 6和翠碧 1号的烘烤特性 ,根据渗透原理 ,用阿贝折射仪测定经蔗糖溶液浸泡的 2个品种不同部位、不同成熟度烟叶组织前后的浓度 ,换算出烟叶自由水和束缚水含量 。

In this paper,on the basis of the peanuts' missing free water and bound moisture at different temperatures,we found out that the roasted peanuts can get the missed water back if they are given water again.

研究了花生在不同温度下失去自由水和结合水的情况 ,发现在有水的条件下 ,花生失去的自由水和结合水都可以恢复。

A three-dimensional numerical model with free water surface and wall shear stress was used to analyze the water flow affected by piers.


Numerical simulation problems about free water surface and air entrained flows in hydraulic engineering.


Numerical calculation of the free water vortex is carried out by using Reynolds stress turbulence model and PISO algorithm.


Two forms of tritium of HTO, free water tritium and bound tritium, exist in the environment.

氚水进入环境后以自由水氚和结合态氚的形式存在 ,本研究说明自由水氚和结晶水氚的提取选在 1 30℃下蒸馏 8h和在 85 0℃下氧化燃烧 4min为佳 ,经比较试验测定氚水的闪烁液用 7gPPO + 0 5gPOPOP + 70 0ml二甲苯 + 30 0ml乙二醇乙醚为