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character of swell



1)character of swell,涌浪级别2)swell,涌浪3)surge,涌浪4)surging,涌浪5)swee,涌;浪6)swell pool,涌浪池7)surge forecasting,涌浪预测8)water level in the surge chamber,涌浪水位9)swell index,涌浪指标10)surging height,涌浪高度


The dynamic ocean surface containing swell is constructed on the basis of random ocean wave theory,and the Mapping Project Algorithm(MPA) is introduced to simulate polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images of ocean wave.


Whether the swell produced by the coffer dam falls can causes the harm to the periphery building and the environment,is always the problem people concerned.

长江三峡工程三期上游碾压混凝土围堰中段380 m采用预埋药室(孔)向上游倾倒爆破法予以拆除,围堰倾倒时产生的涌浪是否会对周围建筑物和环境造成危害,一直是人们关注的问题,通过1∶100的围堰倾倒模型试验,测得了围堰倾倒时的涌浪特性、传播规律,并预测了实际围堰爆破时将产生的涌浪高度,对围堰爆破的安全防护设计具有重要的指导意义。

By comparing two different directional distributions,it s shown that the directional distribution recommeded in the nowaday specifications in China is characteristic of wind wave and swell with short propagation distance and in good agreement with Mitsuyasu direction distribution.


Research on propagation and climb height of surge triggered by landslide in reservoir;


Explicit Formula for Calculating Surges in Throttled Surge Tank Following Load Rejection;


Horizontal 2-D flow model with variable grid for simulating surges due to landslide in reservoirs;


The found of well-defined zones of swell dominance,termed "swell pool",located in the eastern areas of the Pacific are presented in this paper,by calculating the global distribution of swell index in 2000.

通过计算2000年涌浪指标(swell index)的全球分布,发现太平洋东边界赤道附近区域存在涌浪池。

The found of well-defined zones of swell dominance,termed "swell pool",located in the eastern areas of the Pacific are presented in this paper,by calculating the global distribution of swell index in 2000.

通过计算2000年涌浪指标(swell index)的全球分布,发现太平洋东边界赤道附近区域存在涌浪池。