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1)parapet,护墙2)support wall,支护墙3)retaining wall,围护墙4)protecting wall,防护墙5)exterior enclosure wall,外围护墙6)exterior-protecting wall panel,围护墙板


Based on analysis of the factors affecting subgrade local scour along the river such as condition of stream,condition of bed form,geometric boundary condition of river,water depth and speed of every section,scour depth of parapet,the progress of scour and the form of stream near parapet were observed through the way of field model experiment.


The following paper analyzes and illustrates technical schemes for common problems met in the construction of pure water reservoir with reinforced concrete structure as intercross between metallic water stop tie and reserved hole,utilization of cast-in-situ concrete,and construction of retaining wall,which to offer a reference for similar engineering.


Based on the construction of the deep foundation pit of the tower building in Shanghai World Financial Centre,ring displacements and stresses the of retaining walls of circle shape supports were monitored.

结合环球金融中心塔楼深基坑施工,对圆形支护的围护墙的环向位移、环向应力进行实测,通过分析与研究,得出圆形支护在直径超过100 m的情况下仍然存在较好的拱效应。

In this paper, the retaining wall is divided into finite elements according to the layers of soil,rigidity change of retaining wall, elevations of bracing and so on.


The design of protecting wall in industrial building;


An analysis is carried out on the thermal insulation effects of concrete composite thermal-insulating blocks applied in roofs and exterior enclosure walls in areas with scorching summer and freezing winter.


In this article,authors introduce the current situation and problems of non\|bearing walls of high\|rise buildings of China,and states selection principles and advice of non\|bearing exterior enclosure walls and interior partition walls.

介绍目前国内高层建筑中非承重墙的现状和问题 ,阐述非承重外围护墙和内隔断墙的选用原则和建