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air partition



1)air partition,风墙2)air stopping,风墙3)windbreak,挡风墙4)ventilating wall,通风墙体5)wind-break wall,挡风墙6)return air wall,回风墙7)air-guiding wall,导风墙8)Ventilation Wall,通风墙9)break-wind,防风墙10)wind shield,防风墙


Based on the data of anemometry experiment along the railway in Xinjiang, studied the feasibility of the safe railage in fresh gale weather and concluded the effect on preventing whole gale of windbreak and the range of defilade .


The idea of adding the lower windbreak around the air cooling platform was put forward to reduce the influence of hot air recirculation on heat exchange of the platform.

利用CFD软件对某300 MW机组空冷岛的换热进行了数值模拟,分析了不同风速对直接空冷凝汽器换热效率的影响,提出在空冷岛上加装下挡风墙,以减小热风回流对空冷岛换热的影响。

Wind-proof effect of different kinds of wind-break walls on the security of trains;


Research purpose: In order to make the aerodynamic force of trains smaller and the construction of wind-break wall with good economics.


Based on common technology of stove, the authoor used energy-saving techniques such as return air wall,air return way, Gasification chamber, secondary air, hear water box, and insulation measures, which effectively improved thermal efficiency of the large stove, and energy-saving was prominent.


The formation of agglomered ball on air-guiding wall of shaft furnace in Magang pelletizing plant was detaily analysed, and the countermeasures were proposed.

详细介绍了马钢球团厂竖炉导风墙的结瘤情况 ,并对结瘤原因及预防措施进行了探讨。