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sublevel drift



1)sublevel drift,分阶段平巷2)sublevel roadway,分阶段平巷3)analysis of sleep staging,分阶分析4)differential order,微分阶数5)by stage,分阶段6)phase by phase method,分阶段法7)difference order,差分阶数8)phase-divided,分阶段9)ladder-shape tooth,齿腰分阶10)fit by order,分阶拟合


In college education,based on the students different grades to invite tutor by stage is essential for students to develop the ideological instruction and intellectual cultivation comprehensively,So to realize layered and systematic education.

在大学教育中 ,根据学生年级的不同 ,分阶段聘请导师对学生开展全面的思想政治教育和文化素质的培养 ,使学生综合能力、综合素质得以提高 ,以实现教育工作的层次化、系列化。

This essay sets froth the necessity of the reform about the examination physical education by analyzing the problems existing in current checking purpose and methods, it devises a new method of separation of teaching from examination and checking by stages from the aspects of checking purpose methods and supervision.


The time series model of Guangxi s GDP is established using comprehensively the method of judging the stationary time series process, using the method of unit root to test the difference order, and using the autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions graph to identify the autoregressive process of order (AR(p)) and sliding average process of order (MA(q)).


MP-Start:bandwidth measurement based and phase-divided TCP slow start mechanism;


This paper investigates multiple packets losses of exponential growth of congestion window of standard slow-start and proposes a new phase-divided TCP slow-start mechanism.

针对现有TCP算法慢启动机制窗口指数增长导致一个窗口中出现多个包丢失现象,提出了一种分阶段的TCP慢启 动机制-P-Start。

At the same time,that the ladder-shape tooth on the double invo.
