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advancing hole



1)advancing hole,超前钻孔2)lead,超前3)leading,超前4)advance,超前5)premature,超前6)advance water injection,超前注水


Test measurement of the effective degassing radius of advancing hole implemented by QFZ-22 borehole;


A new leading protection device was designed for the anti-longitudinal rips belt caused by the press and jam of big material.


The paper introduces the design,manufacture and implementing situation of the leading cable and hose towing director motion devices in the working face of Datong Coal Mine Group Silaogou Mine to mine the full coal height once and offer some suggestion for reference to administrate the leading cable and hose towing director motion devices for the future.


Space positioning of shield is determined by 3D Cartesian coordinates and 3D attitude angle;positioning of segment lining ring is determined by 3D Cartesian coordinates plus 2D "leading of a side" and roll angle.


It shall increase its technical level and supply an active and positive service to meet all the market requirements of the owner and construction units,including leading service and lash-u Pone to deal with natural disasters.


An introduction is given to the goal, thinking, method, means, working principle, procedures and judege method, result of forecasting and experience of advance forecasting technology in geological survey for construction of large tunnel,based on the advance forecasting technology used in Jindong Tunnel on Chongqing-Huihua Railway Line.


Judging from its form, exaggerated premature sentence consists of two features:1.

从形式上看 ,“还 A就 B”超前夸张句式具有两个特征 :1、关系词“还”“就”相互作用 ,组成“还 A就 B”结构 ;2、A、B处于同一语法平面 ,相互之间无包含与被包含的关系。

This paper analyses prematured exaggeration sentence pattern of "还 A 就 B" by grammatical forms, semantic features and pragmatic information.


In consideration of the problems of starting pressure,effective driving pressure difference being hard to be established between oil and water wells in low permeability oilfields,it was proposed that advance water injection was used.
