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poison coefficient



1)poison coefficient,中毒系数2)toxic coefficient,毒性系数3)co-toxicity coefficient,共毒系数4)cotoxicity coefficient,共毒系数5)toxicity discharge capacity,排毒系数6)CTC,共毒系数


Only 7 heavy metals' toxic coefficients are used to assess pollution degree of heavy metals in many papers that use the method of Potential Ecological Risk Index(RI),but there are still other important heavy metals not employed to calculate toxic coefficient.


It was usually used that screen the optimum proportion of combination insecticides through the base of co-toxicity coefficient evaluating joint action of two insecticides,but it could lead to miss of the best proportion in fact.


It is a common way to screen the optimum proportion of combined insecticides through the method of co-toxicity coefficient to evaluate the joint action of two insecticides.


The results showed that when the ratio of ethanol extract to Deltamethrin was 300∶1,the ratio of acetone extract to Deltamethrin was 150∶1,the ratio of ethyl acetate extract to Deltamethrin was 300∶1 and the ratio of petroleum ether extract to Deltamethrin was 150∶1,the co-toxicity coefficient(CTC) of mixtures were the maximum.


Using a cotoxicity coefficient to screen for optimal proportions of compound mixtures can cause a failure to identify the true optimum value while requiring considerable effort.


Bioassay results revealed that mixed insecticide Jiaqing exhibited a significant synergism against oriental armyworm, bean aphid and rice leafhopper, and its cotoxicity coefficient (CTC) was 179.

生测结果表明 :甲基对硫磷与氰戊菊酯混配对粘虫、蚜虫和叶蝉表现出明显的增效作用 ,其共毒系数分别为 1 79。

5∶1,their cotoxicity coefficient(CTC)to Alternaria brassicae was 127.


Co-toxicity coefficient(CTC) is an important method for evaluating the synergism of pesticides and a primary parameter for evaluating pesticide formulation designated by Ministry of Agriculture,P.


The synergistic activity of the mixture of BT and triazophos was evaluated by using the method of CTC.


In this paper, the synergistic activity of the mixture of Avermectin 1%EC and beta-Cypermethrin 5%EC was evaluated by using the method of CTC.
