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effective interaction



1)effective interaction,有效互作用2)Skyrme effective interaction,Skyrme有效相互作用3)effective interaction,有效相互作用4)boson effective interaction,玻色子有效相互作用5)effective nucleon-nucleon interactions,核子-核子有效相互作用6)empirical effective interaction,经验有效相互作用


In this paper, we calculate the properties of the spin polarized isospin asymmetric nuclear matter by employing the Skyrme effective interaction with two sets of parameters SKM * and SⅢ, giving the equation of the state and the radio det(1/χ)det(1/χ F) which is shown as a function of the density for several values of the asymmetry parameter β.

利用Skyrme有效相互作用 ,采用核子 -核子相互作用参数SKM 和SⅢ对自旋极化的同位旋非对称核物质的特性和状态方程进行了研究 ,讨论了非对称核物质的磁化率随密度的变化关系及其同位旋依赖性 。

The properties of the spin polarized isospin symmetric nuclear matter and neutron matter as well as their equations of state are investigated by employing the Skyrme effective interaction with four sets of parameters SKM *, SⅢ, SLy230a and SLy230b.

利用Skyrme有效相互作用对自旋极化的同位旋对称核物质和中子物质的特性进行了研究 。

The experimental data of 12 C( p,p′)(p,n ) and 40 Ca( p,p′ ) in the low energy region(≤80MeV) were analyzed using M3Y effective interaction and Halderson’s effective interaction in the theoretical frame of DWBA.


A complex density-dependent and energy-dependent effective interaction(CEG) and transition densities obtained from electron scattering were used in the calculations.


The interacting boson model with the boson effective interaction has been used to studythe nuclear spectra.


Starting from shell model configurations and effective nucleon-nucleon interactions,we proposed a microscopic approach to study the properties of high-spin states in even-even nuclei in terms of the generalized boson expansion theory.
