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ductile brittle transition temperature

基本解释延性 脆性转变温度


1)ductile brittle transition temperature,延性 脆性转变温度2)embrittlement temperature,延性 脆性转变温度3)DBTT (ductile-brittle transition temperature),延性脆性转变温度4)ductile-brittle transition temperature,延性-脆性转变温度5)brittle transition temperature,脆性转变温度6)FATT,脆性转变温度7)fracture appearance transition,脆性转变温度8)fragile transition temperature,脆性转变温度9)Temper brittleness transition temperature curve,回火脆性转变温度曲线10)brittle temperature T C,低温脆性转变温度T_C


Series impact tests were carried out to measure the series impact work done to a 400?MPaclass supersteel which was supplied through controlled rolling and cooling rate accelerated with trace element Nb contained, thus giving a brittle transition temperature curve.


Based on the character of ductile-brittle transition temperature curve, Boltzmann function was proposed to depict the relationship of impact absorbing energy with temperature deterministically and quantitatively.

试验数据的回归分析表明 ,该方法获取的回归曲线具有较高相关系数 ,并能较准确地求取材料脆性转变温度vTr5 4 。

Charpy brittle transition temperature was studied and the mechanical properties and fracture toughness were tested at room temperature and working iemperaiure for 11/4Cr-1/2Mo steel, which has been used in hydrogen with partial pressure 4.

55MPa氢分压下使用12万小时的1 1/4Cr-1/2Mo钢进行了室温及使用温度的力学性能,断裂韧性和夏比冲击功的脆性转变温度的试验研究。

The paper studies the facture appearance transition temperature(FATT)of SA335P91/12CrMoV dissimilar steel welding metal.
