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nucleon recoil



1)nucleon recoil,核子反冲2)recoil nucleon,反冲核子3)nuclear recoil,原子核反冲4)heavy ion elastic recoil detection analysis,重离子弹性反冲核分析5)~3He recoil,反冲~3He核6)recoil nuclei,反冲核


It is pointed out that contribution of the πNN processes to the structure functions of the nucleon should be calculated by taking the recoil nucleon as a physical nucleon.

指出在计算πNN过程对核子结构函数的贡献时 ,将反冲核子视为物理核子更为合理 。

The methods to calculate the energy spectra of all kinds of emitting light particles and recoil nuclei for multilevel particle emission in medium energy region(≤250?MeV), comparison of the efficiency between this method and the traditional one and two calculated examples are given.


The methods to calculate the energy spectra of six kinds of emitting light particles(n,p,a,d,t, ~3He)and all kinds of recoil nuclei as well as the double differential cross sections of these six kinds of particles for medium-heavy nuclei with the same six kinds of particles as projectiles in the energy region up to 250 MeV are given in this work.

给出了在中能区(≤250 MeV)多次粒子发射过程中计算6种出射轻粒子(n,p,α,d,t,~3He)及各种反冲核之能谱和双微分截面的方法。