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nucleon nucleon collision

基本解释核子 核子碰撞


1)nucleon nucleon collision,核子 核子碰撞2)nucleon nucleon encounter,核子 核子碰撞3)two nucleon collision,二核子碰撞4)nucleon nucleon collision,核子-核子碰撞5)number of nucleon-nucleon collisions,核子-核子碰撞数6)nucleon nucleon cross section,核子碰撞截面7)nucleon-nucleon cross section,核子-核子碰撞截面8)the number fluctuation of NN collisions,核子-核子碰撞数起伏9)in_medium nucleon_nucleon cross section,介质中核子核子碰撞截面10)Nucleon,核子


The results show that the medium correction of isospin dependent nucleon nucleon cross section enhances the sensitivity of the free nucleons emission and multiplicity of intermediate mass fragments on the isospin effects of NN cross section.

利用同位旋相关的量子分子动力学模型研究了中能重离子碰撞过程中 ,同位旋相关的核子碰撞截面的介质修正对于多重碎裂的影响 。

Medium effect of nucleon-nucleon cross section on the isoscaling parameter α;


The interaction between nucleon and Ti meson is calculated with a good result according to equivalent field theory,which is helpful for the us age of interaction picture.


Within the framework of the relativistic Dirac Brueckner approach,the paper constructs two one boson exchange(OBE) interactions,one for nucleons only,the other including Δ degrees of freedom,calculates all t matrices and Δ self energy in the (N,N) and ( N,Δ ) systems in the full momentum spin space,and obtains better results.

在相对论D B近似的框架内 ,构造了两个单玻色子交换OBE(OneBosonExchange)势 ,一个只包含核子 ,另一个还包含Δ自由度 ,在完备的动量—自旋空间中计算了 (N ,N)和 (N ,Δ)系统的所有t矩阵和自能 ,得出了较好的结

In the paper, the isospin agular momentun coupling wave functions of nucleons are constructed by twice unitary transformations between group chains in agular momentun coupling space of neutron proton, the CFPs are factorized as products of three isoscalar factors(ISF) and the ISFs are calculated by using the coupling wave functions.
