quenching of orbital angular momentum
The results show that the total magnetic moment and the total angular momentum actually are the relativistic orbit magnetic moment and orbit angular momentum respectively.
计算了电子产生的磁矩 ,由此继续论证所谓的总磁矩和总角动量其实质是相对论性的轨道磁矩和轨道角动量的看
It is proved from the formation of operator J(J=L+S) that the total angular momentum is the relativistic orbit angular momentum.
从算符 ^J的构成上证明 ,所谓的总角动量J实质上是相对论性的轨道角动量 ,自旋是相对论性轨道角动量的一个组成部分 。
In this paper,we have got the Matrix representation of d electron in hydrogen atom about orbit angular momentum operator and eigenvector in L_z representation,resolved the problem ofeigenvector about the operators of L_x and L_y.
本文运用表象理论讨论了氢原子中的 d 电子轨道角动量算符及L~2、L_x 算符本征矢在 L_z 表象中的矩阵表示解决了L_x 和L_y 本征矢的问题,并将它们写成了θ,φ的函数。
Study on orbital angular momentum and its spectrum of partially coherent light beam;
Study on quantum cryptography using orbital angular momentum states of photons;
Generation of twisted stigmatic beam and transfer of orbital angular momentum during the beam transformation;
The Frozen Orbit of the Orbiter of the Major Planet (or Moon);
Based on the special requirements of frozen orbit satellite, this thesis studied the characteristics of low-medium altitude satellite, discussed the method of orbit element determination, and analyzed detailed implementation method of frozen, covering, regressive and descending time in orbit design.
Detection of the orbital angular momentum of fractional optical vortex beams
Orbital Angular Momentum and Spin in the Classical Physis;
Orbital angular momentum of single photons for optical communication in a slant path atmospheric turbulence
Electron has an intrinsic angular momentum in addition to the orbital angular momentum due its motion about the nucleus.
Electronic spin is not the relativistic effect of the orbital angular momentum
Orbital Angular Momentum of Hollow Laser Beam and Optical Rotation Effect;
Matrix Representation about Orbit Angular Momentum Operator and Eigenvector of p Electron;
Influences of misaligned optical beam carrying orbital angular momentum on the information transfer
Research on the Beam with Orbital Angular Momentum Used in Encoding and Decoding of Optical Communication
Effects of Turbulence Aberration on the Focal Beam and Photon's Orbital Angular Momentum in the Atmospheric Optical Communication
Scattering of a beam with orbital angular momentum by a single sphere
Previous work has shown that the OAM of a laser beam containing many photons in the same mode can be measured.
The effects of the energy, the angular momentum of particles and the mass quadrupole moment on the orbits of particles are discussed.
Angular Momentum Projection in Nilsson Mean-field Plus Nearest-Orbit Pairing Interaction Model
A simple method to determine the coupling vectors of orbit-spin angular momentums
An electron momentum spectroscopy investigation on valance orbitals of molecule N_2
the angle a rocket makes with the vertical as it curves along its trajectory.
the angular distance of a point in an orbit past the point of periapsis measured in degrees.
- neutron spin flipper
- muf expected value
- fast neutron reactor
- carbon cycle
- neutron reflector, neutron mirror
- variable energy cyclotron
- secondary clearing
- fully protective tube housing
- heat rejection process
- plutonyl compound
- gamma ray and neutron detector
- hartree unit
- atomic furnace
- uranium complex
- spin independent
- electron spectroscopy
- thorium reactor
- modified quark model
- maximum separative capacity
- extract layer