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contrast photometer



1)contrast photometer,反差光度计2)contrast type photometer,反差光度计3)contrast,反差4)relative contrast,相对反差5)high contrast,高反差6)super-high contrast,超高反差7)increasing contrast,提高反差8)Contrast between layers,壳层反差9)contrast enhancement,反差增强10)low contrast,低反差


The calculation of contrast in electron beam resist;


Development of low contrast electron microscope image negative and photograph;


On the coordination and contrast of scenery and emotions in Yu Da-fu s Novel;


Study on Controlling Principles and Methods of Halftone Dot Accretion and Relative Contrast Control;


The preparation conditions,practical properties and some problems relating its application of silver halide dry plate of high contrast for holography are described.


In association with the sensitometric results obtained on using developers containing different inhibitors, it is concluded that high contrast caused by inhibitors can be achieved when the inhibitor moderately adsorbs on the latent image, coupled with a weak adsorption on silver bromide.


In this paper,the theory and the practical applications of the fluorescent display of large image element, high contrast, high brightness were studied.


As to the problem of lower contrast by using coomassie brilliant blue pattern eletrophosis, the author suggests methods of increasing contrast during the whole process of photography,from photographing development of films to enlarging of photographs.

文章就电泳图谱的种类、胶片的选择、滤色镜的使用 ,怎样选择正确曝光时间以及相机镜头、光源设备的配置、使用做了介绍 ,并针对用考马亮兰染色的电泳图谱存在着反差较低的问题 ,叙述了从电泳图谱拍摄的开始到最后的冲洗胶片以及放大相片的全过程要始终围绕提高反差这一关键问题的方法。

The processed image is up to real color, high resolusion and easy to be identified after contrast enhancement and ratio processing.

以高分辨率的QUICKBIRD卫星数据为研究对象 ,经反差增强和比值运算 ,使处理后的图像分辨率高且接近真彩色 ,具有较好的识别效果 ;在图像上均匀布设 1 3个地面控制点 (GCP) ,另选取 3个国家三级控制点参与静态GPS外业实测及内业解算 ,平差后各控制点坐标误差在 1cm左右。

This paper proposed one method to realize target image recognition in low contrast environment by converting the target image s characters into noises, based on image edge detection, image parse curves detection and image division.

通过综合应用数字图像处理和模式识别技术中的图像边缘检测、图像解析曲线分析和图像分割等方法 ,把图像特征转化为图像噪声进行优化处理 ,实现了在一个低反差的环境中 ,让计算机准确识别是否已安装与背景相似的新部件的工作 。