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1)Parole,法文:言说2)French,法文3)Law enforcement document,执法文书4)Law Culture,法文化5)subtraction library,减法文库6)methodological culture,方法文化7)patriarchal culture,宗法文化8)private legal culture,私法文化9)patriarchal clan culture,宗法文化10)constitution culture,宪法文化


The Translation of Key Words in French Contracts of International Engineering Construction;


In the course of rural law culture construction,the interaction between law and country shoud be realized from prompting the change not only from traditional farmer to modern farmer,from the authoritative rural community to legal rural community but also from the change from dualistic society to uniform society.


The dilemma of Chinese legal system is resulted from the discrepancy of local idea and the idea required by the law,which forms the potential conflict of Chinese law culture.


Ghana is an ancient country in sub-Sahara with old history of customary law culture,Ashanti once set up a very strong kingdom in modern history,therefore legal anthropologists and cultural historians pay great attention to the study of the traditional society and law of Ashanti.


Experienced the Yuan,Ming and Qing,the Republic of China until the 1950s is the toast of the Dehong Dai ethnic Chinese history,Chinese Borderland History and indispensable,Dehong Dai Tusi patriarchal culture from the beginning of the social life of the overall impact,Tusi affected,the official family,and so on civilians all members of society,Dehong Dai and traditional culture is an important one.


As a source of the Chinese traditional culture,the Chinese patriarchal culture has not only moulded the long-standing Chinese history and culture over the two thousand years,but also shaped the national character of the Chinese,as a res.


Tang Dynasty is a typical patriarchal dynasty the patriarchal culture infiltrates into all fields in the society.


The primary reason for rule of law only in facet is the inadequacy of legal culture, especially private legal culture.


To consider the history as a whole,White Deer Plain breaks through the historical parochialism and limitation from the view of parties conflict and class struggle,and describes the primitive and vivid patriarchal clan culture.


Making use of the historic documents , this article discusses and analyses the traditional patriarchal clan culture of Uygur, which will be helpful to study the culture of Uygur extensively and deeply.


Basing on historic literature and data of field work,the author analyses the main forms and characteristics of the patriarchal clan culture of the Tibetan ethnic group in southwest Sichuan province.


Carefully examining from the perspective of value systems,what the western constitution culture emphasizes is the individual principle of freedom,justice and the belief of the human nature being evil while Chinese traditional cultural values are the overall principle,the order and the belief of the goodness in human nature.


Based on the new concepts of legal studies, this paper argues that the construction of humanistic constitution culture is of great importance to the implementation of constitution and realization of constitution functions.


The constitution culture refers to people s faith, conception and emotion to constitution, and the choice of constitutionalism influenced by it.
