The linear application of photoelectric coupler in medical instruments;
Two photoelectric couplers with the same characteristic and one integration operational amplifer are used to make up circuits of feedback and output,realize the uncoen-ground transmission of analog signals in multi-power supply system,and work out the solution of common-mode interference in the course of signal transmission.
利用 2个特性相同的光电耦合器与集成运算放大器组成反馈电路和输出电路 ,实现了多电源供电系统模拟信号的不共地传输 ,解决了信号传输过程中的共模干
In this paper, the photoelectric coupler s apply in the system with band transmissio experiment has been presented.
Effect of space radiation to the optocoupler performance;
Study of organic optocouplers;
Structural design and package characteristics of optocoupler;
Owing to the volt-ampere characteristic of light-emitting diode and phototransistor in the photocoupler, there is a nonlinear distortion in its isolated transmission process.
针对由于光电耦合器中发光二极管和光敏三极管的伏安特性 ,在光耦隔离传输中存在非线性失真这一问题 ,设计了一种简单的非线性补偿电路 ,并介绍了它的工作原
On the basis of introducing photocoupler,the paper focused its description on a kind of pulse drawworks sensor,which was designed under the photo coupling technology, made a exposition to processing circuits of sensor pulse signals and lab detecting technology of sensor technical indexes and probed into methods of real time measuring well depths while drilling.
Main factors affecting the breakdown properties of insutalors are analysed, on the basis of which a high voltage isolating photocoupler is designed and fabricated.
分析了影响绝缘材料击穿特性的几个主要因素 ,在此基础上设计并制作了高压隔离光电耦合器 ,实验结果表明该器件具有良好的隔离特性和高的可靠性能 ,隔离电压最大值达 10 0 0 0V。
Aiming at test requirements of isolation and dynamical performance in applications of optoelectronic coupler,a fast tester for digital optoelectronic coupler was developed using ADuc841 microcontroller.
Characteristics of optoelectronic coupler include small cubage,longevity,non-contact,anti-interference,isolability,and unidirectional signal transmission.
major failure modes and their failure mechanisms for domestic optoelectronic coupler were investigated by failure analysis of more than 20 failed samples of 6 types of coupler
通过对 6种型号 2 0多只国产光电耦合器失效样品的失效分析 ,分析研究了国产光电耦合器的 6种主要故障模式及其失效机
Based on CCD ca.
本文主要是在采用电耦合器件(Charge Coupled Device,CCD)的摄像机采集图像的基础上运用图像分析和处理的方法对瓷砖色差以及尺寸检测的算法进行研究。