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Engineering Index



1)Engineering Index,《工程索引》2)Engineering Index,工程索引3)EI,工程索引4)EI,工程索引(EI)5)Card-A-Lert,工程索引卡片6)industrial solid waste road base material,工


The article introduces the characteristics of the Engineering Index s auxiliary index,contrasts to the Index establishment of retrieval tools in China,and draws on experience of "Engineering Index",and stresses structured indexing advantages to improve our retrieval tools.


Chinese mainland journals included in 《 Engineering Index》(EI);


Based on the analyses of the Engineering Index and the Science Citation Index in USA, the paper presents that there is no other Chinese architectural magazine searched by the Science Citation Index and only two kinds of Chinese architectural magazines searched by the Engineering Index.


of Engineering theses included in Engineering Index, the paper points out that many problems commonly existed in these theses will influence the international intercommunication and information retrieval, like the name and translation of the author, the organization and the title.


Talking about Engineering Index (EI) and How to Increase the Citation Rate of the Papers;


To strengthen their academic exchanges,enhance their scientific research abilities and increase the output of high-quality theses,the engineering colleges and universities must,based on the EI taste,produce high-quality theses in English and contribute them to English periodicals with high index rate at home .


This paper aims to present an output-input model initiated by the authors for evaluating the environmental impact of the typical road base materials on the cement granular soil,lime fly-ash granular soil and the industrial solid waste road base materials.
