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s state

基本解释s 态


1)s state,s 态2)s-state,S态3)S-lattices morphism,S-格同态4)s* excited state,s*激发态5)sulfur forms,S形态6)S-order homomorphic mapping,S-序同态7)non's state,非S态8)s-eco-thought,S生态观9)S-morphism,S-同态10)uds|-s|-configuration,uds|-s|-组态


The act of an ordered semigroup on a poset is extended into a lattice ordered semigroup on a lattice;the notion of S-lattices is introduced;and the properties of S-lattices congruence and S-lattices morphism are discussed to develop the representation theorems of lattice ordered semigroups.


Specially, the effect on the electronic structure of C60 for s*s* excited state is taken into account.


Based on the systematic analysis results of sulfur in acid sulfate soil(ASS) samples collected from their key distribution regions in Guangdong Province, the characteristics and succession of sulfur forms in ASS in different development processes were investigated.

结果表明 ,酸性硫酸盐土S含量高 ,以无机态为主 ;S积累和S形态演变与酸性硫酸盐土形成、发育与利用密切相关。

Professor Wang Guojun introduce S-order homomorphic mapping and S-continuity and properties in document[1].


Based on the relation between construction of Agricultural Technological Park and Macro-culture thought, namely S-eco-thought, the article expatiates on the essentiality of construction of culture to Agricultural Technological Park, and the normative and instructional action to the leader s behavior of.
