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break bulk cargo carrier



1)break bulk cargo carrier,厢式零担运输车2)compartment drying,厢式干燥3)two compartmented,两厢式4)Van-body truck,厢式货车5)Van,厢式货车6)van,厢式车


The filter cake of silica gel used as the carrier of polyolefine catalyst was dried by compartment drying and centrifugal spray drying respectively.


This paper studies the characteristics of the airflow around the van-body truck and its effects on the aerodynamic drag by means of theoretical analysis, experimental investigation and numerical simulation.


Analyzed effect of van in materials flow calling;


Reliability data of foreign army s van body was used for reference, the method of engineering experience and longevity evaluation was applied to analyzed longevity of our army s van body, which mathematics model was build, and longevity evaluation index of van body.


The plan of loading packing box in a van body was researched by pedigree assembling analysis, and taking example for four packing box, in this paper, a concrete plan was discussed, some problem occurred in practical operation was pointed out.

采用聚类分析法中的谱系聚类对厢式车厢内包装箱装载的方案进行了研究,并以聚类结果为四 类箱子为例探讨了具体的摆放方案和实际操作中应该注意的问题,最终提出了一种合理的装载方法,对今后 厢式车厢内装载起到了一定的指导作用。

In this paper, the hot bend of the military van carriage s top plank for the illumination was analyzed and calculated, and a method of calculating it was put forward.

对军用厢式车的车厢顶板受光照影响所形成的热弯曲作了分析和计算 ,提出了一种计算厢式车车厢顶板热弯曲的方