ambient light
China s Foreign Pest Invasion and Management Study;
The alien plants and environment evaluation of Yinggeling Moutain, Hainan, China;
Studies on flora composition and distribution characteristics of alien plants in Taizhou;
It proves that all these alien plants leaves are good raw materials of re.
Especially,ecologists put more emphases on the mechanism of invasion success of exotic plants because it is the key to prevent and control the plant invasiveness as a theoretic support.
Based on our survey on the exotic plants of Shenzhen, 102 species of exotic plants with the introduction of 10 important invasive species, about 10% of total wild plants, are reported in this paper.
通过对深圳外来植物调查 ,报道了深圳 1 0 2种外来植物 ,约占深圳植物种类总数的 1 0 % ;并对深圳 1 0种危害较大的外来入侵植物进行了简要介绍。
And also the growth form, habitat, and origin area of exotic plants in Macau are discussed.
Effects of an alien species (Spartina alterniflora) on soil microorganism diversity in salt marshes,Jiangsu coastal inter-tidal ecosystem;
This paper discusses and identifies the concepts of alien species and alien invasive species;reports 53 species of alien species of plants in Henan Province,including Chenopodium pumilio R.
讨论并界定了外来种和外来入侵种的概念;报道河南外来入侵植物计53种,其中铺地藜(Chenopodium pumilioR。
In this article, some concepts about biological invasion were presented and the process of alien species change to invasive species was summarized and primary types of biological invasion were concluded.
Effect of exotic species Mytilopsis sallei on macrozoobenthos in the Maluan Bay,Xiamen in China;
This paper points out that the aggression of exotic species quickens the forfeiture of the living thing’s varieties, and destroys the ecosystem, and threatens human's health, and causes great loss of the economy, so it brings the side effect to the sustainable development and the human society.
A new exotic species of Asteraceae (Compositae) has been appearing in Tianjin City and Hengshui and Langfang of Hebei Province.
专家鉴定结果证明这是一种我国从未报道过的外来物种Flaveria bidentis。
- two trace oscilloscope
- HWSD Heated-Windshield
- RV recreational vehicle
- check flag (chequered nag)
- lubrication oil
- Association
- Dilution steam
- bind
- transient immunity
- VCRM Variable Relay Control Module
- side marker lamp
- applicant
- PC Program Controlled
- rim width
- side post
- squeeze molding machine
- FIPOT Fast Idle Dashpot
- electronic controlled EGR system
- HCCM History-CCM-Codes
- paper shredder