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dual tyre



1)dual tyre,双轮胎2)double wheel,dual wheel,双轮3)"Shuanglun"Group,双轮集团4)double bottom,双轮底5)double bottom fermentation,双轮发酵6)twice bottom fermentation technology,双轮工艺


“Shuanglun”Group Established New Enterprise Values——Interview to Board Chairman of “Shuanglun”Group LIU Jun-qing;


In order to study the double bottom fermentation under solid conditions, the technique of yellow water closure was applied to make bottom grains not steeping by yellow water, to make yellow water flow smoothly without passing bottom grains and to make the quality of bottom grains not affecting by yellow water.

研究固态条件下的双轮底发酵 ,我们采取截流黄水的方法 ,使黄水不浸泡双轮底糟和在滴窖时不经过双轮底糟就能顺利滴出 ,双轮底糟的质量不受到黄水的瓜分和影响。

Application of TH—AADY in twice bottom fermentation technology of Luzhou-flavour liquor has the functions of anti-acid and anti-ester and supplement of yeast quantity which may make fermentation stable and promote fermentation effects on the basis of ensuring the liquor quality, and increase the liquor yield.

将TH—AADY应用于浓香型大曲酒双轮工艺中 ,能起到耐酸、耐酯性能及补充酵母数量的作用 ,使发酵稳定可靠 ,可在保证酒质的基础上改善发酵效果 ,提高原料出酒