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1)Motor,暖风电动机2)automotive heater motor,汽车暖风电动机3)Aluminium heater,暖风4)steam air heater,暖风器5)car heater,暖风装置6)air heater,暖风器


The author presents a suppression program with X2Y EMI filter and inductance filter,based on analyzing the producing mechanism of radio interference on automotive heater motor and studying the suppression technology.

在分析汽车暖风电动机无线电骚扰产生机理的基础上,研究无线电骚扰的抑制技术,并设计出X2Y EMI滤波器+电感滤波器的抑制方案,从而降低了汽车暖风电动机的无线电骚扰。

The steam air heater is often used for preventing low-temperature corrosion and ash clogging in the boiler,but different influence upon economic efficiency of unit in operation may be resulted by different parameters of the said steam air heater.


Through analysis of operation parameters concerning the fan and inspection of the secondary air system,it is believed that the main cause was the increase of steam air heater s resistance,making the resistance in secondary air system of the boiler to be increased.


Constructional character and problems in coiled steam air heater of coal-fired boilers is analyzed and a thinking of new type of tube in tube air heater is proposed.


Design for new-style and hot-water car heater and research on its heat transfer performance;


In this paper,the influence on the boiler efficiency from the operation of air heater was analyzed.


The surge alarm of the axial-flow forced fan on Side B of Unit 2 boiler in Zhuhai Power Station is analyzed,and the root cause is deemed to be the blockage of the air heater that increased the resistance in the air duct.

分析珠海发电厂2号炉B侧轴流式送风机发出喘振报警信号的根本原因是暖风器引起风道阻力增加造成堵塞而引起的, 处理办法是拆除掉毫无作用的暖风器。

To cope with the excessive rise in exhaust gas temperature after the modification of the air heater of a 670 t/h boiler installed at Shengli Power Plant, it is decided to implement a technical scheme of adding a split-body heat-pipe warm-air heater.

针对 6 70t/h锅炉空预器改造后排烟温度升高的问题 ,确定了在空预器后加装分体式热管暖风器的技术方案。