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flange size disignation



1)flange size disignation,轮缘规格代号2)wheel rim,轮缘3)wheel flange,轮缘4)felloe,轮缘5)felly,轮缘6)rim,轮缘7)bearing rib,轮缘8)flange of wheel,轮缘9)wheel arch,轮缘10)flange,轮缘


A way of calculating the overall heat transfer coefficient of wheel rims of large capacity steam turbines is being suggested.


These four aspects are: the foreworn and frature of the wheel rim, tread foreworn bedded d ecrustation, regional crush and subside and early brittle fracture of the wheel rim.

为了有效地提高行走车轮的工作寿命 ,使其接近或达到设计周期 ,笔者从车轮损坏的形式、部位即轮缘磨损断裂、踏面磨损层状脱皮和局部压碎凹陷、轮缘早期脆性断裂四个方面进行了分析 ,找出了之所以产生磨损和断裂的原因 ,并提出了延长车轮工作寿命的对策。

Discussion on the wheel flange thickness measuring basis for meter-gage locomotives;


This system can automatically detect such important parameters as wheel flange wear, tread wear and fretting, and etc to increase the level of detecting automation and maintenance efficiency of locomotive wheel sets.

针对铁路机车轮对检修的要求 ,研制了机车轮对综合参数自动检测系统 ,该系统能完成对轮缘磨耗、踏面磨耗、踏面擦伤等重要参数的自动测量 ,从而提高了机车轮对检测的自动化程度及轮对检修作业的效

In view of the abnormal wear of wheel flange appeared on 206KP type quasi high speed bogies,the causes to the wear are analyzed from the wheel diameter difference,curve radius,tread contour,assembling error and wear indexes.

针对 2 0 6 KP型准高速转向架出现的轮缘异常磨耗 ,从轮径差、曲线半径、踏面形状、组装误差以及磨耗指数等方面分析产生磨耗的原因 ,并提出改进措