air-fuel ratio feedback control system
Research prosress in technique and theory of spray forming technology;
Analysis on the Theory and Practice of Biodiversity;
the soft soil foundation handles theories is apply in establishment engineering construction plan;
Calculation Formulas on Consistency Degrees of Theories in Fuzzy Logic Systems Luk and L~*;
Calculation Formulas on the Lower Truth Degree and Consistency Degrees of Theories in Propositional Fuzzy Logic systems Π and Gd (Ⅱ);
Discussion on the Theoretic Qualified Points in Soccer League;
Some basic theoretics such as the development,classification,mechanism,description methods and the investigation means of microemulsion(ME) are introduced in the paper.
This article discusses and expounds the theoretic premises, outside enviroment and debit and credit relationship of the new type Bank-enterprise relationship.
The Theory and Practice of the Right to Gather News;
This paper discusses the practice of physics experiment microteaching in “physics teaching methodology for middle school”, and studies theoretically the quality of microteaching, general form and theoretial reasons of its marvellous effect, problems needed probing further are also involved .
This paper mainly deals with the acknowledgement, application and development to peaceful settlement of international dispute on theory and practice since the people s republic of China was founded, and explains ways and characteristics of settlement of international dispute about china in international relations, then finds out some regular results.
Theoretical Study on Man-sea Relation and Regional System of Man-sea Relation;
5 and 2cm,the TLD measured and theoretically calculated result is 3.
方法采用热释光剂量学方法(TLD法)和美国医学物理学家协会43报告工作组(AAPM TG-43)推荐的理论计算公式(理论计算法)对~(125)I粒籽的径向剂量进行了研究,并对TLD法和理论计算结果进行比较。
The theoretical research and application study of the high temperature heat pipe are introduced in detail.
This question has been assisted by the debate between two rival views, theory-theory and simulation-theory.
本文主要讨论Martin Davies和Tony Stone关于心里模拟的论证:介绍二者提出的模拟机制和他们对模拟问题的澄清;对理论之理论学者批判的反驳;对争论热点问题的解释;以及和其他模拟理论学者理论上的比较。
Goldmandevelops his theory from his criticisms of the theory-theory.
Goldman 对模拟理论的合理性所作的论证,认为Goldman主要是在批评揭示理论之理论的方法论致命缺陷的基础上提出模拟观的,从心理同构性和心理状态的自我归属两方面重点考察了他论证模拟理论的逻辑思路,表明了他的理论主张是他的自然化认识论纲领的一种体现,以及他与Gordon相比较而言的温和模拟论立场。
- bind
- squeeze molding machine
- lubrication oil
- side post
- FIPOT Fast Idle Dashpot
- check flag (chequered nag)
- paper shredder
- transient immunity
- HCCM History-CCM-Codes
- Dilution steam
- two trace oscilloscope
- rim width
- RV recreational vehicle
- PC Program Controlled
- side marker lamp
- Association
- applicant
- electronic controlled EGR system
- HWSD Heated-Windshield
- VCRM Variable Relay Control Module