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mobile ground anchor vehicle



1)mobile ground anchor vehicle,地锚车2)ground anchorage,地锚3)ground anchor,地锚4)spiral ground anchor,螺形地锚5)windtur bine anchorage,风电地锚6)pile,地锚桩


The relation between parameters suce as diameter,length,lead of the mobile ground anchor and properties of physical mechanics of soil,etc with driving torque of power unit of the mobile ground anchor vehicle is described through theoretic calculation methods and experience formulae.


The research results on the mechanism of ground anchorages transferring load and reinforcement effect are presented in detail,and current research state of anchorage support theory for rocks and soils are described.


Through introducing researches about mechanism of ground anchorage transferring load and reinforcement effect in detail, the research status quo of anchorage theory of rock and soil is discussed emphatically.


The design and construction of ground anchored trough type long-line dado;


Combined with practical engineering,the author analyzes the installation construction technology and construction machine of air-cooling platform and the selection of wind rope and sling,illustrates the setting of construction machine,upper pavement and ground anchor,introduces its construction orders and methods,and shows that air-cooling unit would has extensive developing prospect.


To decide the design parameters and verify the feasibility of construction of ground anchors,a series of scientific researches were made and field tests of the technological process for construction of vertical and raking ground anchors were made.


In Wang Noi-Kaeng Khoi natural gas pipeline project in Tailand, a new technique of controlling buoyancy using spiral ground anchors was applied.

在泰国Wang Noi-Kaeng Khoi天然气管道工程中,采用了一项浮力控制新技术,即螺形地锚浮力控制技术。

The truck-mounted diesel hammer pile driver is a self-moving equipment that can drive the special cement piles into the ground.
