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Nishi-Nippon Bank,Ltd.



1)Nishi-Nippon Bank,Ltd.,西日本银行2)Huaxi Daily,华西日报3)Jiangxi Daily,《江西日报》4)newspaper supplement,广西日报5)vertical direct east and west sun dials,面东西日晷6)West-Germanic languages,西日耳曼语7)Guangxi Daily,广西日报社8)Nipponstrongylus brasiliensis,巴西日圆线虫9)Nishi-Nippon Finance (Hong Kong) Limited,西日本财务(香港)有限公司


Video Frequency Mode:New Newspaper-network Interaction Mode of Provincial Level Party Newspaper——Evidence from Jiangxi Daily and Dajiang Network;


Based on the text analysis and the research on the newspaper supplement of Guangxi Daily during the period of eight years of Anti—Japanese War , this article found that during this period the newspaper supplement has experienced two versions: Guilin version and Zhaoping version, and Guilin version has adopted The South and Li Water two different names.


In this paper,Qi Yanhuai,an astronomer in the Qing dynasty,and his vertical direct east and west sun dials,transit instrument and celestial sphere instrument were studied in detail.

介绍了清代天文学家齐彦槐的生平及其制作的面东西日晷、中星仪和天球仪等天文仪器 ,进一步探讨了这些天文仪器的制作原理和使用方法 。

Methods BALB/c mice infected with Nipponstrongylus brasiliensis (Nb ) LⅢ were treated with anti B7 1 and /or anti B7 2 monoclonal antibodies on day 0, 3rd day and 7th day.

 方法 用 BAL B/ c小鼠皮下注射感染巴西日圆线虫第 3期幼虫 ,在感染当天、感染后第 3d及第 7d分别腹腔注射大鼠抗 B7- 1和 /或 B7- 2单抗 ,以阻断共刺激信号。