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debt instrument



1)debt instrument,债务票据2)debt paper,债务票据3)negotiable debt instrument,可转让债务票据4)multilateral agency debt instrument,多边代理机构债务票据5)Exchange Fund debt instrument,外汇基金债务票据6)Hong Kong dollar private sector debt issues,私营机构港元债务票据7)Hong Kong dollar denominated multilateral agency debt instrument,多边代理机构港币债务票据8)debt,债务9)debts,债务10)obligation,债务


Study of strategic effect of corporate debt under the condition of uncertainty;


Corporate Debt and Product Market Strategy: An Empirical Study on Chinese Listed Companies;


Analytical Nodez Process in Clearing off Multidebts;


The malpractices of paying off debts with fixed assets under the market economy conditions are discussed in detail, an actions to be taken to overcome these malpractices are suggested.

对市场经济条件下 ,固定资产清偿债务所存在的弊端进行详尽的讨论 ,提出了解决这些弊端应采取的措

As to how to deal with inheritee’s debts, inheritance principle of limited responsibility is adopted in Chian’s law, which cannot protect effectively creditor’s rights.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the debts of the Soviet Union were shifted upon Russia as the result of an effort made by creditors.

苏联解体后 ,苏联的债务经债权人的努力全部转由俄罗斯承担 ,这使得俄罗斯债务猛增 ,几乎压垮预算 ,特别是俄加入巴黎债权人俱乐部后 ,被迫以高利息偿还苏联的债务 ,更使得俄罗斯债务重重 ,步履维艰。

The investors are supposed to bear unlimited liability for its obligation if there exists casual relation between the illegal conducts of the actual enterprise applying for the lisense in its own name and discharging the claimant s obligatory right,the investors should also bear unlimited joint and several liability.

挂靠集体企业的投资经营者应对企业的债务承担无限责任 ,如果被挂靠单位以自己的名义申办集体企业法人营业执照等违法行为与债权人的债权不能受清偿之间有因果关系 ,也应承担无限连带责任。

The relation between the obligation and the duty is always a complicated theory in civil law which has brought about too much argument among scholars.
