Office of the Commissioner of Banking
"The Banking Supervisory and Administrative Law of People s Republic of China"-- the first special law on banking supervision and administration in our country-has been passed through on Dec.
In recent years,banking regulation is facing new challenges with the continuous development of financial market and risks.
The Influence of Financial Instrument Accounting Standards on Banking Regulation and Supervision and the Policy Advice;
"The Banking Supervisory and Administrative Law of People s Republic of China"-- the first special law on banking supervision and administration in our country-has been passed through on Dec.
With the development requirements of banking supervision theory and practice, the objective of banking supervision has become a significant subject in recent years.
Considerations on the Law of Supervision and Management in Banking;
7. Adapts the tendency of global financial supervision;
China Banking Regulatory Commission:
Auto financing companies are supervised and regulated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Decree No.2, 2004 of China Banking Regulatory Commission, Promulgating the Administrative Measures for the Capital Adequacy of Commercial Banks
(h) other documents required by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
(八) 中国银行业监督管理委员会要求的其他文件。
f) other conditions set out by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
The Preliminary Discussion about the Perfection of Supervision and Management System of our Country s Banking;
Some Considerations to the Interior Accounting Supervision for the Management System in Commercial Bank;
a commissioner appointed to supervise banks; a state superintendent of banks.
Implementing the legal assurance of financial supervision effectively --Understanding "The Banking of the People s Republic of China Supervises the Law of Managing;
Bank Monitoring, Interest Rate Control and Small Enterprises Finance;
The Rules enters into effect on October 3, 2003, and the power of the interpretation rests with the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
Article 42 The Rules enters into effect on October 3, 2003, and the power of the interpretation rests with the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
第四十二条 本办法自2003年10月3日起施行,并由中国银行业监督管理委员会负责解释。
Effective management oversight of e-banking activities.
Research on the Supervision Legal System of Bank Personalfinancial Services
Article 3 Auto financing companies are supervised and regulated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
第三条 中国银行业监督管理委员会负责对汽车金融公司的监督管理。
the China Banking Regulatory Commission shall issue a warning against the company, confiscate the illegal earnings and impose a fine in a range of one to five times the illegal earnings.
中国银行业监督管理委员会给予警告,没收违法所得,并处违法所得1倍以上 5倍以下的罚款;
- profit maximization
- Red Chip
- yield
- market fluctuation
- joint venture contract
- Value-Based Pricing
- non-cash-limited subhead
- Book Runner
- approved futures exchange
- Downgrade
- qualified overseas scheme
- gold on paper
- General Revenue Account revenue
- long-term business liabilities
- Foreign Bond
- Class Action
- Constituent Fund
- strong growth
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers
- order for redirection