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known liabilities



1)known liabilities,已知负债2)known,已知3)known,已知的,已知事物4)not known dot,非已知点5)given information,已知信息6)known trajectory,轨迹已知7)known point,已知点8)known disturbance waveform,波形已知9)Topology-aware,拓扑已知10)known species,已知种


However,from the perspective of cognition,the author of the paper,by using"concrete/abstract" and "known/unknown"as axis,classified figures of speech into 8 types.

而从认知的角度 ,以“具体和抽象”、“已知和未知”为轴 ,可以将比喻分为 8种类型。

Based on the study done by the functional linguists, this paper attempts to discuss given information and the classification of information from the perspective of presupposition and scenario.

语篇信息结构的研究是语篇分析的重要组成部分 ,而信息结构研究中对已知信息的研究历来是语言学家关注的焦点。

As a result, it is defined, from the perspective of the meaning or information rather than from the perspective of the form of the segment, as a proposition based segment with given information and new information as its two constituents.

对信息片段的界定不能从句子表层的形式出发 ,而必须从深层的意义出发 ,是一个以逻辑命题为基础、听者可以一次处理、包含已知信息和未知信息两个结构成分的语段。

The engineering realization of motion control in servo system of known trajectory sort;


This paper introduces extraction of line equation and line locus equation, by making use of arbitrariness of known point in the space line.

介绍了如何利用空间直线 x -xOX =y -yoY =z-zoZ 上已知点MO(xO,yO,zO)的任意性来求直线方程和直线的轨迹方

Four of them are known species new host plants.

介绍了我国炭疽菌属已知种 2 6种 ,其中 :新寄主植物 4种 ,地理新分布 10种 ,已知种 12种。