tender specifications
Numerical analysis of the scaling laws about focused beam spreading induced by the atmosphere;
To veto any bidding results in violation of the regulations governing bidding and tendering.
The tenderer shall seal the book of tender and submit it to the bid invitation unit within the stipulated period.
Tendering of and bidding for construction projects which is not covered by this law shall follow the relevant laws on tendering and bidding.
Compilation of Technical Specification of Wastewater Treatment Equipment for Bidding;
For projects subject to public bidding, the construction cost shall be agreed upon in line with the provisions of the tendering law.
A definition to the 3 main pattern of public bid, invitation to tender and negotiation according to the international essential bid law.
"prior to the expiry of the original tender validity period, the company may request the tenderers for a specified extension of the period of validity."
The tenderer is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions, forms, terms, specifications and drawings in the tender documents. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Instructions to Tenderers will be at the tenderer's own risk.
The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species specimen.
"With/In the case of a project of constructing port facilities with a non-governmental investment that exceeds million yuan, Bid invitation and Bid submission shall be practiced in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations."
The bidding approach of rational low quoted price is commonly and internationally used in practice.
Where bidders and persons inviting tenders harm the legitimate interests of the state, collectives, and the public by colluding in the bidding, they are to be punished in accordance with the stipulations stated in the preceding paragraph
Withdrawal of a tender during the interval between the deadline for submission of tenders and the expiration of the period of tender validity may result in the forfeiture of tender security pursuant to Clause14.
An invitation for submission of bid shall clearly contain the particulars set forth in Paragraph 2 of Article 16 of this Law.
1. The submission, receipt and opening of tenders and awarding of contracts shall be consistent with the following:
1. 投标书的提交、接收和开启及合同的授予应与下列规定相一致:
Bidders are expected to examine the requirement schedule and these general instructions and conditions. Failure to do so will be at the bidders own risk.
Proper bidding processes were followed by obtaining 3 comparable RFPs for all contracts.
Several Understanding Points from Participation in Examination of Stipulations for Management of Invite Tenders and Submit a Tender for Power Engineering Design;
- approved futures exchange
- qualified overseas scheme
- Foreign Bond
- Constituent Fund
- profit maximization
- Value-Based Pricing
- strong growth
- joint venture contract
- gold on paper
- yield
- long-term business liabilities
- Book Runner
- Class Action
- Red Chip
- order for redirection
- market fluctuation
- non-cash-limited subhead
- General Revenue Account revenue
- Downgrade
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers