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1)drought,n.干旱季节,旱灾2)drought,n.旱灾,干旱3)arid season,干旱季节4)seasonal drought,季节性干旱5)hot-dry season,高温干旱季节6)seasonal soil drought,土壤季节性干旱


Our objectives were to test the sensitivity of carbon exchange to this seasonal drought and discuss the influence of seasonal drought on carbon assimilation.


Seasonal drought effects on the early maturity maize variety is lowest among the early,middle and late maturity maize varieties;and that for the middle matu.


upper-intercropping fir,lower-intercropping white clover and straw mulching) on seasonal droughty in tea plantation were studied through continual 4 years large-field contrast experiments from 2001 .

在采集湖南省长沙县1960~2001年气象资料的基础上,探讨了我国亚热带红壤丘陵茶园夏季高温干旱和秋季持续干旱的发生规律,并以常规管理茶园为对照,通过2001~2004年连续4年大田对比试验,分析了杉树高层间作、白三叶草低层间种和稻草覆盖3种典型生物措施对茶园季节性干旱的防御效果,结果发现,3种生物措施明显减少了茶园全年0~20 cm土层土壤含水量≤15%,≤12%,≤10%的出现频率,在夏季高温干旱和秋季持续干旱时期均提高了茶园土壤含水量,有效地延缓和缩短了干旱时间,缓解了旱情,显著增加了夏秋茶产量,改善了夏秋茶品质。

Ecological role of weeds conserved in orchard in red soil hilly area during hot-dry season;


According to the every 10-day routine meteorological data and the related physical parametersof soil from 17 stations in the red-yellow soil zone south of Yangtze River in period from 1051 to1988, we simulated a data base,calculated the soil moisture and analysed the characteristics of theseasonal soil drought about these stntions.


Water Transport through Interface between Land and Atmosphere in Dry Season on Red Soil Slopes;


In times of drought, the members of the tribe would consult the medicine man in the belief he could make it rain.


To prevent these difficulties, a dam may be built across the river. This will store water for dry seasons, and in wet seasons it will prevent the flooding of the land.

为了克服这些困难,可以建立水坝储水以备干旱季节使用。 雨季时还可以用来防涝。

During the dry season, the shallow lakes are reduced to stretches of baked mud.

在干旱的季节里 浅水的湖都变成了干旱的泥地

The drought periods under these conditions tend to be more injurious to the trees.


In the dry season, the animals tend to concentrate in the areas where there is water.


Afforestation Achievements of Prunus armeniaca in Different Seasons in Arid Area


Seasonal Physiological and Biochemical Response of Haloxylon Bunge to Atmosphere Drought;


Regionalization of Climatic Dominant Region of Maize in Seasonal Drought Areas of Northeast Sichuan


Peru- Verano- which means summer, or dry season- possibly in association with the Pleiades ritual at the summer solstice during the dry season.


Comprehensive Effects and Benefit Evaluation of Water-Saving Rice Cultivation in Southern China Seasonal Drought Hilly Region;


In Susan's courtyard, the little well is a widow's cruse, which never dries, even in the severe season of drought.


Example: In Susan's yard, the little well is a widow's cruse, which never dries, even in the severe season of drought.


In Susan's yard, the little well is a widow's cruse, which never dries, even in the severe season of drought.


Drought was most serious in the west and the northwest of Shandong and most serious in spring and summer.

鲁北、鲁西北为旱灾高发地区,胶东地区受灾相对较轻。 春夏两季是干旱最严重的季节。

Analysis of the content of element Ca、Mg、Zn in human body fluid of fieldwork workers in summer and winter who work in the hot and dry circumstances


Research of the Mechanism and Prevention and Cure of Desertification in Semi-arid Seasonal River Drainage Area;


Responses of Srasonal Drought to Effective Water Erosion Control on Red Soil Slope
