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1)poetry,n.[总称]诗,诗集,诗意2)poetry,n.诗歌,诗集3)the collections of Qing poetry,清诗总集4)poetry collection,诗歌总集5)Assembled Collection of Tang Poems,唐诗总集6)Flavor of Tang poetry,唐诗诗意


The Qing Dynasty is a period of great prosperity of the local poetry collections,most of which compiled in this period could be called the collections of Qing poetry.


The Synopses of Ten Collections of Qing Poetry Included in the General Catalogue of Siku Quanshu: Their Supplement and Correction;


Revising the Contents of Five Poetry Collections in the Qing Dynasty Attached to the General Index of Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature;


The Rare Edition Lizhu Collection and Its Literature Values;


A Revision of The index of Poems in Qing Dynasty--Focusing on the Authors of An Anthology of Modern Poems in Gansu;


An Excellent Qing Poem Collection of Guangdong Province--Study on Intents of Ling Yangzao in Compilation of "Guo Chao Ling Hai Shi Chao"


The Additions and Corrections to Qingren Shiwenji Zongmu Tiyao --focus on the authors of Wulin Fangxiangzhi;


The Redaction and Supplement of Qingren Shiwenji Zongmu Tiyao(《清人诗文集总目提要》) --focusing on four Gansu authors;


Compilation and Circulation of Huang Zongxi s Collection of Ming Poetry and Prose --On the Cultural Meaning of the Collection of Ming Poetry and Prose in Early Qing;


An Excellent Qing Poem Collections of Guangdong Province--Study on the style innovation of Guo Chao Ling Hai Shi Chao edited by Ling Yangzao


On the Poetical Views of Analytic Record of Poems of the Qing Dynasty and the Controversy between the School of Pattern Creed and the School of Disposition


The Book of Songs is the first anthology of verse in China.


The Book of songs was the first anthology of poetry in ancient China.


booking container summary


The Central Discussion and Explanation to "Qu" of Two Poetry Theorist in Qing Dynasty;


On Zhu Zi - qing s poetic theory;


On the typology and literature values of the poems of the Qing Dynasty;


The Critic to Monk-poets Extra Corpora in Sikuguanshuzongmu;


The Main Distinguishing Characteristic of Qing Era Female Poets--Focused on the Period from the Beginning of the Qing Era to the Daoguang-Xianfeng Period;
