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direction of public opinion



1)direction of public opinion,"舆论导向"2)public opinion,舆论导向3)guidance of public opinion,舆论导向4)direction of public opinion,舆论导向5)direction of public opinions,舆论导向6)consensus guidance,舆论导向7)the leading directions of news,新闻舆论导向8)guidance of ideological and public opinion,思想舆论导向9)maintain the correct orientation for public opinion,坚持正确的舆论导向10)To properly guide the public opinion,把握正确的舆论导向


Media, as a main part of society and a coordinator and a communicator of social relations, undoubtedly should guide the public opinion properly, contributing to t.


To achieve such a goal, one key point is to preserve its leading function of the public opinion.


The legal news play a inunderestimable role in guiding correctly the guidance of public opinion in constructing the course of harmonious society of socialism and providing the fair legal environment for constructing the harmonious society.


The university newspaper must be firm in the correct guidance of public opinion,cooperate with the main task of the university and play an important.


Campus newspaper should build up position consciousness,insist on correct guidance of public opinion, and surrounding the position of current affairs to carry through p.


JIANG Ze-min takes news seriously, laying emphasis on the right direction of public opinion, which includes Party spirit of news integrating highly with spirit of the people, concept of news freedom subordinating to and serving national and public interest; concept of news reality basing on ideological route.

江泽民重视新闻工作 ,强调新闻媒体要把握正确的舆论导向 ,以正确的舆论引导人。

In the new stage of new era,to grasp an accurate consensus guidance must fully analyze on domestic and overseas situations,emphasize on the main point of party s propaganda thought working,keep party s principle,innovate propagating mode and method,fortify editors team construction,and must accelerate basic facility construction,so as to service for entirely fulfill the Scientific .


The analysis of the theories about the guidance of ideological and public opinion and its development in practice is indispensable in the discussion of the guidance of ideological and public opinion in the communication of the harmonious culture.
