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married air hostess



1)married air hostess,"空嫂"2)married airline stewardess,空嫂3)married stewardess,空嫂4)Space,空5)blankness,空6)"void",“空”7)empty,空8)emptiness,空9)sunya,空10)dead end,空


"Space" s Aesthetic Value in Artistic Design;


Both supervisory bodies and objects must analyze the three aspects action from layers of quality,quantity,time and space and put them into practice so that supervision may obtain much more pronounced effect through improved supervisory mechanism.


The reflection of human,time and space in Mao Zedong’s poems reveals its grandeur of artistic conception.


The blankness left by the artists’ rational thoughts require the viewers to reflect and experience.


Narrated on phases as speechless , non- cognition, not seeking form only, entering empty but receiving completeness, this thesis explored the profound wisdom of the dialectical thoughts of traditional Chinese Philosophy in thinking about the relationship between art and beauty.


The "empty" idea of Buddhism in ontology theory system will be discussed in this essay.

本文把僧肇“空”观思想放于本体论语境中加以思考 ,认为僧肇阐释的“空”观思想建立起了中国哲学中第一个比较彻底的本体论 ,拯救了老庄玄学建构本体论的失败 ,完善了整个中国哲学体系。

Because firstly it constructs a persistent existence in the meaning of "study" and expounds that the world itself is "empty";secondly,it further proves the emptiness of the world from the view of "unmovable material".


When Buddhism is brought to the East and localized in China,"sunya",as an aesthetical catalogue,is gradually coming into being.


Heidegger s differentiation between the Being Itself and beings, namely that between"Nothingness"and"beingness"is similar to the Mahayana Buddhist distinction between"Sunya"and"bhava"in that both by virtue of the overcoming of obstinacy in"beingness"are aimed to reach recognition of "Nothingness", so that we say Heidegger s thinking has Buddhist significance.


In the conceptual evolution of sunya, some Buddhist scholars have construed the meanings of sunya differently, among which the most notable and significant is the Eighteen Meanings of Sunya.
