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gallantly rising to the occasion



1)gallantly rising to the occasion,"见义勇为"2)ready to help others for a just cause,见义勇为3)Righteous behavior,见义勇为4)taking up the cudgel for a just cause,见义勇为5)brave deeds of acting for a just cause,见义勇为6)law of action against unjustice,见义勇为法7)the people who take up the cudgels for a just cause,见义勇为人员8)ready to help others for a just cause action,见义勇为行为9)Personnel Protection Act,见义勇为人员权益保障法10)jian,见


By comparing and contrasting the Good Samaritan laws,it will give us great help in the Chinese legislation of those who are ready to help others for a just cause.


Defining the Righteous Behavior by Law;


The article shows the problems about righteous behavior.


On the basis of studying the attitude towards "taking up the cudgel for a just cause" of contemporary college students and analyzing the data collected,compared with the traditional attitude,it has been found that the modern one has changed deeply into a new look of the modern times and reflected many problems on the levels of thought and practice in the formation of these problems.


One of the important contents of legislating for the brave deeds of acting for a just cause is that the state and t he society are responsible for protecting the r ights and interests of the people who do brave deeds of acting for a just cau se.


The legislating for the brave deeds of acting for a just cause has attracted wide attention in the society.

见义勇为保护立法已引起社会的广泛关注 ,本文拟对其进行法理思考。

In recent years,The cases caused by ready to help others for a just cause action were increasing,But the lack.


The path selection for the protection of righteous Behavior——Also Research on the <Personnel Protection Act>;


On grammaticalization of "jian" in the "verb+result" sentences;


The visual meaning of "jian",obviously significant in Hongloumeng,sometimes has been weakened or even almost totally vanished in the same text.


This paper basically discusses the usage,evolution and development of the character "jian".
