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citizen's ethical construction



1)citizen's ethical construction,"公民道德建设"2)Civil moral construction,公民道德建设3)Citizen's moral construction,公民道德建设4)moral construction of citizens,公民道德建设5)citizens moral construction,公民道德建设6)civic virtue construction,公民道德建设7)The Outline of Carrying on Citizens Moral Education Construction,《公民道德建设实施纲要》8)minor citizens' ethical development,未成年公民道德建设9)implementation outline of construction of civil morality,公民道德建设实施纲要10)"Code of Citizens Conduct",公民道德建设纲要


Legal support is important for civil moral construction to carry on efficiently, since law ta.


One of the most important thoughts of society and education reform in the 20th century is lifelong learning theory, which drops mangy hints to civil moral construction being undertaken presently in China.

“终身学习”理论是当今一种重要的社会和教育改革思潮 ,它对当前正在进行的公民道德建设有重要的启示 ,即 :人人是公民道德建设之人 ;时时是公民道德建设之时 ;处处是公民道德建设之

The author expounds and proves that the moral construction of citizens should be based on people and explains its rationalization from the following aspects: the moral and cultural development tendency of human being, special nature of morality, gain and loss of moral construction.


The social purpose of citizens moral construction is the civilization of social harmony; the main purpose is to cultivate moral qualities of our citizens.


During the process of citizens moral construction,the function of administration can s be ignored.


Civic Virtue Construction Implementation Program"-Inheritance and Transcend of Confucianism;


The existence of family violence severely affects the normal family relations and the stability of social life, violates the requirement on civic virtue construction and on the establishment of civilization.

家庭暴力的存在严重影响家庭关系的正常发展和社会生活的稳定 ,与公民道德建设和文明创建的要求相违背。

The moral education for university students can satisfy the need to complement The Outline of Carrying on Citizens Moral Education Construction and to cultivate qualified talents for the construction of socialism and modernization.


This mechanism has important implications for minor citizens′ ethical development.
