trigger ratio
On the basis of analyzing the cause of triggering errors′ generation,a method of invariable comparison triggering is proposed.
触发误差是限制雷达PR I测量精度提高的一个重要因素,在分析触发误差产生原因的基础上,提出了一种恒比触发方法。
From this point of view,considering the physics interests of BESⅢ,we discussed some typical decay channels related with trigger efficiency and hope it will be helpful for the trigger table design.
模拟了北京谱仪 (BESⅡ )顶点探测器的触发判选系统 ,发现对于某些带次级顶点的衰变道 ,其顶点探测器触发效率较低 。
This paper studies deeply trigger decision criterion of the PHOS in ALICE experiment by simulation, including three parts: 1) the energy reconstruction performance of PHOS is tested; 2) the selection of trigger threshold is analyzed and the trigger efficiency is calculated; 3) the trigger rate of PHOS is evaluated and its selection is discussed for the different collision mode.
对ALICE实验光子谱仪的触发选判机制进行了模拟研究,内容包括:1)对光子谱仪的能量重建性能进行了研究,通过计算机模拟检验光子谱仪探测器对大横动量范围的入射粒子的能量重建性能; 2)对光子谱仪探测器的事件触发效率进行了研究,通过计算机模拟分析触发阈值的选取并计算触发效率;3)对光子谱仪探测器的事件触发频率进行了研究,通过计算机模拟对p-p和Pb-Pb两种碰撞模式下的触发频率分别进行了估算和讨论。
Also we checked whether the settings of L?3+Cosmics trigger system by simulation are correct or not and introduced a method on trigger efficiency calculation.
介绍了在欧洲核子研究中心 (CERN)的L3探测器上进行的宇宙线实验的触发系统判选过程 ,还介绍了使用蒙特卡洛模拟检验触发系统和计算触发效率的方法 ,并给出了实际数据的测量结果和误差 。
This paper studies deeply trigger decision criterion of the PHOS in ALICE experiment by simulation, including three parts: 1) the energy reconstruction performance of PHOS is tested; 2) the selection of trigger threshold is analyzed and the trigger efficiency is calculated; 3) the trigger rate of PHOS is evaluated and its selection is discussed for the different collision mode.
对ALICE实验光子谱仪的触发选判机制进行了模拟研究,内容包括:1)对光子谱仪的能量重建性能进行了研究,通过计算机模拟检验光子谱仪探测器对大横动量范围的入射粒子的能量重建性能; 2)对光子谱仪探测器的事件触发效率进行了研究,通过计算机模拟分析触发阈值的选取并计算触发效率;3)对光子谱仪探测器的事件触发频率进行了研究,通过计算机模拟对p-p和Pb-Pb两种碰撞模式下的触发频率分别进行了估算和讨论。
Study of VC Trigger Efficiency on BESⅡ
motor efficiency
variable frequency trigger generator
Convolution, correlation. Firing rate. Spike-triggered average.
Mathematical Model for Pricing a Class of Triggered Exchange Rate Option;
Analysis of Helical Gear Contact High-power Wind Turbine
Improvements and Simulation of High-power GTO Gate Trigger Signal
Study on the Contact Stress and Transmission Efficiency of the Involute Worm-drive;
Invalid Syntax. Trigger name missing or empty.
无效语法: 缺少触发器名称,或名称为空。
Surface Contact Fatigue Failure Analysis on the Cam of CNG Engine
Study on the Gate Triggered PDSOI CMOS Latch Effect
栅极触发PDSOI CMOS闩锁效应研究
Arcane Missiles: Some procs were not triggered by this spell and now will be( such as Eye of Magtheridon).
Load-balancing in Cluster Region Elected Algorithm Based on Probability Triggering
Effects of dry eye syndrome incidence for staffs by peroxyacetic acid contiguity
Optically Triggered Changing Flux Superconducting Switch and the Inductive Pulsed Power Supply
Repetition Rate Pulsed Power Supply for Triggered Switch Test
Multiple Triggered Effects : If more than one effect is triggered in response to a particular event, those effects are resolved according to the Simultaneous Effects rule.
Incidence and prevalence rates for occupational contact dermatitis in an Australian suburban area
- Book Runner
- Red Chip
- Constituent Fund
- market fluctuation
- non-cash-limited subhead
- Foreign Bond
- Downgrade
- joint venture contract
- yield
- profit maximization
- order for redirection
- General Revenue Account revenue
- qualified overseas scheme
- Value-Based Pricing
- Class Action
- approved futures exchange
- strong growth
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers
- gold on paper
- long-term business liabilities