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ex rights



1)ex rights,除权;除认股权2)ex rights,除权3)Ex-right,除权4)XR,除权5)termination,解除权6)right lapse,除权制7)exemption right,别除权8)legal effects of eradicating right,除权效力9)right of rescission,解除权10)right of cancellation,解除权


There is possibility of the coexistence of the revocability of a contract and termination of a contract .


Through an analysis of the causing conditions and ways of movement of the real price and the virtual price in the domestic stock market,this paper reveals a disadvantage produced therefrom that investors reasonable dividends cannot be guaranteed because of the "right lapse"in the present bonus system.

通过对股票市场中真实性价格和虚拟性价格的产生条件及运动形式的分析 ,揭示出目前分配中“除权制”使股民的合法收益得不到保障的弊

Exemption Right in the Newly Enacted Bankruptcy Law;


To exercise exemption right in bankruptcy,it is necessary to conform to not only the requirements in contract law and property law,but also the provisions in bankruptcy law.


In case of temporary impossibility,man should take the way of fictional time to recognize the right of rescission and the claim for damages of creditor,and not take the rule of undue hardship.


The latter, which can become contraclual obligation,is only the condition of leading right of cancellation.


This paper mainly illustrates how to protect the benefits of prior purchaser in follow respects: the efficacy of contract for house dual sales ,the right of cancellation of the prior purchaser, the compensatory spheres of seller in breach of contract, the burden of risk of seller.
