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share capital



1)share capital,股份资本2)stock capitalization,股份资本化3)stock,股份4)share,股份5)shares of stock,股份6)sh,股份7)stock unit,股份8)demutualisation,股份化;股份制9)baosteel,宝钢股份10)shareholding system,股份制


It it considerably difficult for these enterprises to conduct reform of joint-stock system due to their historical burden.

国有大中型施工企业背负沉重的历史包袱 ,进行股份制改革困难重重 ,因此可以根据情况采取全企业全面改制或通过局部的改革试点来推进主权制度改革 。

This paper studied how to distribute the profits among stock companies of overlapping shares by using an infinite profit distribution.

利用对利润进行无穷次分配的方法 ,研究了交叉持股股份公司的利润分配问题 ,得到了用于将若干相互持股公司的利润进行精确分配的公式 ,并具体分析了由于两次近似分配的不精确而使哪一类公司利益受损 ,哪一类公司从中获益 。

The establishment of capital stock pledge is the key content of capital stock pledge system.


The validity of transfer of right shares and unissued shares;


It is of great significance whether the object of stockholder voting power trust is share or share-based voting power.


To recognize a shareholder s qualification, it can be observed from the facts such as the record on the company s constitution, share holded, investment, register on the register office,and so on, among which the record on the company s constitution is the most basic evidence.

对股东资格的认定 ,可以从公司章程记载、持有股份、出资和登记机关的登记记载等方面进行考察 ,其中公司章程的记载是最基本的依据。

Based on the analysis of Baosteel's Income Statement, Cash FlowStatement, Balance Sheet and its Capital and Asset change in particular,this paper reveals that the Baosteel is transferring fro.

本文主要通过水平分析法、比率分析法和共同比报表分析法等多种方法来分析宝钢股份近三年特别是 2005 年度的主要财务数据,找出宝钢股份各主要财务指标近年来的变化状况和变化趋势,探求变化的原因及变化的内在逻辑关系。

The relation between shareholding system and optimized disposition of mineral resources;


The Establishment of Hui Bao and Its Attempt at Shareholding System;
