fair rate of profit
Marx s theory of "the equality of profits and the law of average rate of profit" is of universal significance, especially to the current reform of industrial structure in China.
马克思关于利润平均化和平均利润率规律作用的理论具有普遍价值 ,尤其对当前我国产业结构的调整具有非常现实的指导意义。
The theory of average rate of profit raised by Marx is scientific and systemic.
This paper sums up and analyzes some doubts on Marx’s theory of average profit rate, probes into the reasons why these doubts exist, and expounds how to understand correctly this theory.
Marx s theory of average profit rate : the average profit rate is the requirement of social productivity and market economy,and the average profit rate is always realized by way of the capital flow,so the capital flow is essential not only for the realization of average profit rate,but also of the optimizations of industry structure and of resources.
Sector average profit to investment rate and profit-tax to investment rate are two of the main references to investors on selection of investment opportunities, and are also the lowest expectation of investors on value of the return to the investment.
行业平均投资利润率和行业平均投资利税率是投资者进行投资机会选择的主要参考依据之一 ,是投资者对其投资项目收益的最低期望要求。
Marx s theory of equalization of profit rates can be applied to Chinese socialist market e-conomy,because there exists the production of commodities in the socialist society,in which value and forms of money should be used.
law of the falling tendency of the average rate of profit
Functions of the Law of Average Rate of Profit under Market Economy
Analysis of China market reform performance basing on average interest rate;
Knowledge Economy and Tendency of Mean Rate of Profits in Capitalist Society;
Mr. Wang Shi believed that a company should earn a reasonable level of profit, equivalent to the average profit margin of society.
On the Evolvement of Labor Complexity and the Change of the Formation Tendency of Average Profitability;
it rate of capita
How to Understand the Law of Profit Rate Averaging;
Achieve Average Profit Rate and Promote Social Justice and Harmony;
The accounting rate of return is calculated by dividing the average annual profits from a project into the average investment cost.
Article6 The average market price, average price differential and average profit margin of the commodities or services shall be determined according to their average cost in society.
Determination of Average Profit to Investment Rate and Profit-Tax to Investment Rate of Oil-Gas Field Development Project;
They divided their profits equally between themselves.
They decide the average distribution of profit.
Law of Average Rate of Return on Capital Run Parallel with National Protective Farm Policies
They averaged the loss / profits among themselves.
Compared with the same level hotels in the region, the hotels managed by our company have taken a leading position in aspects of average rate, room occupancy and operating profit.
unified average social rate of profit
- Atlanta Hawks
- Petty Officer,Second Class
- Manager (Admin)
- Dragon card
- Head Doctrine Management
- Output risk
- Facility
- enterprise's headquarters
- disinterested shareholder
- cash slip
- competitive price
- stock exchange regulation
- Mingxia Aluminium Products (Changshu) Co.,Ltd.
- modernistic trend
- forward contracts
- Shut down
- self-operating deposit
- foreign exchange fluctuation
- basis order
- Head Operations Development