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make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary,younger in average age,better educated and professionally more competent



1)make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary,younger in average age,better educated and professionally more competent,干部队伍革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化2)professional force,专业化队伍3)troops specializatio(,队伍专业化4)Young and knowledgeable,年轻化和知识化5)The rejuvenation of cadres,干部年轻化6)specialized maintenance ranks,专业化养护队伍


According to the features of the maintenance of superhighway, this paper puts forward the new mode of superhighway maintenance of establishing the specialized maintenance ranks and small-sized maintenance team, making rational division and close cooperation with local government and masses.


make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent


The contingent of cadres should become more revolutionary, better-educated, more professional, more competent and younger.


A few years ago we set forth four requirements for cadres: that they should be more revolutionary, younger, better educated and more competent professionally.


"To make the ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and professionally more competent"


To restructure the administration and the economy and make our ranks of cadres more revolutionary, younger, better educated and more competent professionally.


After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, we began to lower the average age of cadres. And of course, we have also been trying to make sure that they are more revolutionary, better educated and more professionally competent.


Many comrades pay scant attention not only to the problem of lowering the average age level of our cadres, but also to the problem of their becoming better educated and acquiring professional knowledge.


"in accordance with the principle of Bringing up more revolutionary, younger, better educated and more professionally competent cadres"


of cadres be revolutionary, young, well educated and professionally competent:


"revolutionary, young, well educated and professionally competent."


With this as a prerequisite, he added, we should see to it that our cadres are younger on the average, better educated and better qualified professionally. Comrade Chen Yun said, moreover, that the employment and promotion of such cadres should be institutionalized.


In accordance with the principle that they should be revolutionary, young, well educated and professionally competent.


Select and promote to positions of leadership persons who have Both ability and political integrity, in accordance with the principle that they should be revolutionary, young, well educated and professionally competent


And of course, we have also been trying to make sure that they are more revolutionary, better educated and more professionally competent.


Ensure that the core of leadership is younger, more educated and professionally proficient; ensure that younger people with more education and professional proficiency are Brought to the leading nucleus


Ensure that the core of leadership is younger in average age, more educated and professionally proficient; ensure that younger people with more education and professional proficiency are Brought to the leading nucleus


Specialization,Being Professional and Socialization:Building New Ranks of Trade Union Cadre;


Constructing the High School Carder Team of the Professional Research Type in the Discipline Inspection and Supervision
