rich in poetic and pictorial splendor
The paper illustrates approaches to representation of poetic charm of Chinese lyric pr.
汉语抒情散文的英译是一项十分复杂的艺术创造过程 ,要求译者在准确理解的基础上把握其审美要素 ,从思想感情、语言风格和修辞等诸方面再现原文的艺术整体效果 ,译出散文的诗情画
As far as Humble Administrators Garden which is one of the four most famous gardens in Suzhou,its landscape construction,regarding poetic charm as the aesthetic principle,expresses intense pursuit of artistic conception and reflection on literati gardens.
By pursuing loft realm of poetic feeling and conception of painting, people enjoy, imagine and taste the garden artistic conception, produce resonance with poetic ideal state and bring into spiritual enjoyment.
阐述了中国古典园林与诗词、绘画相生相长、同步发展 ,追求诗情画意的崇高境界 ,让人们通过各种感官去感受、想象和体味 ,并与之产生共鸣 ,从而给人们以精神上的享受。
This paper comments on the characteristics of Song poetry from the following aspects:its profound revelation of the social reality, its philosophy, its humour, its poetic flavour,its beauty in words and its poetic exposition.
rich in poetic and pictorial splendour
On the Theory of Spirits and Artistic Concepts Embodied in the Blending of Poem with Painting--The poetic perception in Wang Yuyang s poems;
Don’t you think that sounds idyllic?
Charming Mood of Poetry and Painting;Too Much Beautiful to Enjoy --Enjoying and analyzing the poetry <Autumn Evening Twilight While Living in Mountainous Area;
诗情画意 美不胜收——《山居秋暝》赏析
Full of Poetic Beauty:Comment on New Poems Create by Zhou Libo;
Perfect blending of idyll--On Artistic Feathres of Wan Wei s Idyllic Poems;
Poetic Charm,Equal Power--The Comparison of the Pastoral Poems Between Meng Haoran and Wangwei;
诗情画意 各擅芬芳——孟浩然、王维山水田园诗比较
Discussion on the Writing Stance and Other Related Issues about Villatic Non-poetic Poetry --Comments on Essays of Liangcheng Liu;
In the serenely limpid waters of the pond, fish that are playfully darting about are clearly visible. The scenery is suggestive of poetry and painting and its allure simply irresistible.
Poetic and Pictorial Imagination--Research on Important City Skylines of Nan Jing City
A Letter Being Rich in Poetic and Artistic ConceptionT he Travel Notes being like a Picture--The beauty of quietude, tranqui llity and harmoniousness in A Letter Sent to Scholar Pei Di from the Mountains
诗情画意的书信 见字如画之游记——《山中与裴秀才迪书》的幽静谐和美
A Letter Being Rich in Poetic and Artistic ConceptionT he Travel Notes being like a Picture--The beauty of quietude, tranqui llity and harmoniousness in A Letter Sent to Scholar Pei Di from the Mountains;
诗情画意的书信 见字如画之游记——《山中与裴秀才迪书》的幽静谐和美
A Beautiful Show on the Paetic Qualities: Concerning Wang Wei s Landscape Poems;
It sounds romantic, but in fact not really easy, sometimes even dangerous.
I love Autumn. It's always so poetic to watch the maple trees change the color. Yet I hate to rake the fallen leaves.
The quiet and elegant villas in poetic and pictorial surroundings are so enchanting as to make us forget to return.
This courtyard with many structures, which is built after a design that is perfectly-thought-out, is modest in size but tastefully elegant, in a setting that is secluded and idyllic, evocative of one's deep poetical and artistic sentiments.
Besides, athletes' service, receiving, attacks near the net and fish dives to save the ball all are full of poetic charms.
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- modernistic trend
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