non-profit firm
The reform orientation of private higher education of our country: distinguishing for-profit and nonprofit organizations in a perspective of property right;
The article introduces the characters and the reasons for existing of nonprofit hospital,and points out that the performance is associated with the nonprofit character.
Nonprofit organization of sports is a kind of a kind of culture who is not the government who not taking gaining profit as purpose,:pushes forward society cause of the public good,ensures economy and society all-round development.
This article rises from the enaction of the Decision of the Reform of Medical Care System in Town in 2000,which divides China s hospitals into profit and non profit categories.
本文问题的提出基于 2 0 0 0年国务院《关于城镇医药卫生体制改革的指导意见》决定在我国实行医院的“营利性”和“非营利性”分类管理。
The non profit here refers to the fact that the profit of the schools can not be distributed.
通过对民办学校的微观分析 ,澄清了关于民办学校的产权、非营利性和投资回报等问题中的错误认识 ,指出民办学校的非营利性是指学校的剩余利润不能被分配 ,也就是说没有人拥有民办学校的学校所有权 ,非营利性民办学校是没有经济学中定义的所有者的 ,对非营利性民办学校的投资可以获得固定的合同收入 ;并对如何明晰我国民办学校的财产权提出建议 ;最后 ,进一步论证指出目前我国民办教育发展的方向应是大力发展非营利性民办学校 ,严格限制营利性民办学校的发
To be compared with corporation and partnership,cooperation is a separate legal entity which is based on its members and is a non-profit association.
The payoff problem in Non-profit organizations is the deviation from the principle of non-profit.
The third sector is a kind of non-governmental and non-profit organization with certain characteristics such as public-spirited, civilian and autonomy exists outside the governmental and marketable sections.
Marketing is the latest function that is accepted by the west nonprofit organization.
There are two kinds of enterprise incubators: profit-seeking and non-profit-seeking.
Thinking on the Legalization of the Non-profitable Social Intermediary Organization;
In the background of policies nowadays,the non-profit incubator is the mainstream which has many advantages in expanding the social profitof incubator,despite there are some disadvantages collocating social resource and management.
The modern trade associations are the non-profitable,civilian and autonomous organizations.
In China,non-profitable higher education should not be abandoned whether it is in the past planned economy or today s socialist market economy,even at the stage of universal higher education.
The author will come up with some new ideas on the integration of title system for profitable and non-profitable school.
在民办学校的产权问题上 ,当前争论的焦点主要集中在民办学校财产的所有权问题和收益权问题两个方面 ,就“营利性和非营利性”学校产权制度的完善提出一些看法。
It is non-government nature,non-profit-making,property of participation of public service,wish,social welfare,developing essential features such as pluralism,etc.
- Petty Officer,Second Class
- Facility
- disinterested shareholder
- Atlanta Hawks
- modernistic trend
- basis order
- competitive price
- Mingxia Aluminium Products (Changshu) Co.,Ltd.
- Head Doctrine Management
- foreign exchange fluctuation
- forward contracts
- enterprise's headquarters
- Shut down
- self-operating deposit
- Head Operations Development
- Dragon card
- Output risk
- cash slip
- stock exchange regulation
- Manager (Admin)