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illiquidl assets



1)illiquidl assets,非流动资产2)noncurrent asset(NCA),非流动资产3)tangible non-current assets,有形的非流动资产4)Non-epidemic strain,非流行株5)non-fluidization,非流态化6)non-circulation share,非流通股7)illiquidity,非流动性8)non-manifold,非流形9)non manifold,非流形10)Singular edges,非流形边


In this thesis,the quantitative analysis mode of the comparative value is put forward that non-circulation shareholder should pay for the circulation shareholder,then the formula to calculate shrinking-rate and connotive non-circulation value coefficient are set up.


In this thesis,the quantitative analysis mode of the comparative value that non-circulation shareholder should pay for the circulation shareholder is put forward,then a stock-paid method mode based on the zero-sum hypothesis is set up.


stated-owned share) and the letter stock in America, the results of positive studies by the acquisition discount of private companies′ studies approach on illiquidity discount, and reviews the limitation of the acquisition approach.


The Study of Non-manifold Topological Data Structure on Reconstructing Surfaces;


The Study of Non-manifold Modelling Data Structure Supporting Feature;


With the request of geometry modeling system and application of the concept about complexes algebraictopology in the field of industrial production , the theory of non-manifold model come into being.


At first, describes the basic principal of non manifold geometric modeling , the data structure,and some basic operations of the system used,then describes the basic theory of Boolean operation in non manifold geometric modeling which consists of extended EULER formula, set ownship classification function, regular set and regular set operation.

简述了非流形造型的基本原理及其采用的基本操作 ,以及非流形几何造型布尔运算 ,侧重在其基本理论 ,包括 :推广的Euler公式 ,集合属籍分类函数 ,正则集与正则集合运算 ;最后介绍了非流形造型布尔运算的 5个基本运算步骤 ,即求交 ,新面环的生成与剖分 ,拓扑元素分类 ,连面成壳与连壳成体 ,以及悬点、悬边、悬面的生成 。

An identification edge structure is put forward to represent non manifold modeling,which is built on the concepts and methods of the complex and CW complex in algebraic topology.
