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non-financial enterprises



1)non-financial enterprises,非金融企业2)non-metal,非金属3)Si,非金属Si4)non-metallic mineral,非金属矿5)non-metallic minerals,非金属矿6)nonmetallic minerals,非金属矿


In this paper,author has analyzed general principle and course that foreign exchange rate risk produces in non-financial enterprises by the analysis tool of microeconomics.


As an important photocatalysis material,TiO2 has been extensively studied through metal or non-metal ion doping in order to strengthen its photoactivity under visible light.


This article mainly introduces the heat shields made of non-metallic materials of vacuum heat-treatment furnaces as well as their characteristics of heat engineering and vacuum, offers an optimum combination with the structure and materials of those shields.


Introduction was made to the manufacturing technology of non-metal box for box type substation by adoption of GRC composite material,using screw connection made box assembly fast and easy,shortening manufacturing cycle,reducing manufacture quality discrete-ness range.


In order to reduce manufacturing cost of SiAION and promote its utilization,great attention was recently given in world that SiAlON were synthesized from natural non-metallic mineral using carbothermal reduction nitridation.


In this paper, the method, technology, equipment, reagent and mechanism of surface modification of non-metallic mineral fillers are reviewed and the progress of their applications to some important non-metallic mineral fillers such as CaCO3,kaolinite,wollastonite,talc, mica, SiO2 etc, is reported.


It describes fullymethods and technologies for perparation of white catbon black by using non-metallic minerals.


Take example for Fuxin city, the development stratagem and measure of the coal fine processed, the development and utilization of intergrowth mineral and non-metallic minerals, the extension of industry chain, and the broadness of industry group are discussed in this paper.

本文以阜新市为例 ,对发展煤炭深加工 ,开发利用共伴生矿及非金属矿等资源 ,延长产业链、拓宽产业群等方面的发展战略、措施进行了探讨。

In this article,we analyse the actuality and development of domestic non-metallic minerals drier,put out the needs on the capability of the new drier for the problems of the equipment at the present time,and dope out the tape of new drier that will be able to appear.


This paper discusses the chemical composition, mineralogical composition and technological property of main nonmetallic minerals including illite ore, kaolinite ore and talc ore etc.


The prospect of development and utilization and quatations of supply and demand on the market of the nonmetallic minerals have been briefly introduced in this paper.
