coverage of geographic market
Base d on the fifth census criteria of separating the city from the town,the author ascertained the physical urban area of the Putian City,took the floating popu lation into account and finally concluded the urban population scale of the Puti an city.
This paper expounds market scope of two rival tourist destinations and especially analyzes market scope of the weaker tourist destination through founding a model of tourist origining market and developing the model in repeated behavior.
First, the market scope should be expanded from an internal market to a generalized banking personnel market.
一是市场范围应该从局部市场向统一的金融人力资源市场过渡 ;二是竞争规则应该从官本位向职业银行经理选拔过渡 ;三是激励机制应该从短期边际效益定价向长期预期定价过渡。
Firstly, the paper expounds the main elements which have the effect on the choice of regional market in the transnational business.
文章首先阐述影响企业跨国经营地域市场选择的主要因素 ,进而分析世界主要地域市场的特征 ,最后重点探讨了我国企业跨国经营地域市场战略。
The paper elicits the effects of influencing transnational regional market,on the base of which makes an analysis of characteristics of mainregional markets in the world.
在阐述影响跨国经营地域市场选择因素的基础上 ,分析了世界主要地域市场的特征 ,进而探讨了中国企业跨国经营地域市场的战略方
You must select a market to continue. Press Continue to select a market.
E-Commerce, Transaction Efficiency and Extending Scope of the Market;
First,the work of human is the result of abstract average within the international market extention.
An Empirical Study on the Measurement and Reasonable Range of the Bubble in China's A-Share Stock Market
The company be have difficulty selling into a shrinking market .
Scope Management in Olympic Markwting Project;
Status quo and Solvent of the Markets for Watershed Services Worldwide;
On Limitations of Market Economy to Scope of Administrative Examination and Approval of Public Security;
On regulation of patent validity extent in market competition mechanism;
Market size,scope economies and supply chain clustering possibility
The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than those of the domestic marketer.
38. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than those of the domestic marketer.
38. 国际市场研究者的活动范围常常较国内市场研究者广阔。
As the reform further develops, the scope for mandatory state plans will be narrowed, while the scope for market forces will be enlarged.
For the establishment of a unified national market, the local pricing scope will be strictly limited according to Article 18 of the Price Act.
It may involve product development, but rarely involves initial marketing.
He feels that insufficient market was done and only in a limited area.
Range set at 10m to optimize for target market of mobile and business user.
"It shows the great interest of both Chinese and Singapore businessmen in working together, both in the China market and beyond. "
- basis order
- enterprise's headquarters
- forward contracts
- foreign exchange fluctuation
- Facility
- modernistic trend
- Output risk
- cash slip
- Dragon card
- Manager (Admin)
- disinterested shareholder
- Head Operations Development
- Head Doctrine Management
- self-operating deposit
- Shut down
- Mingxia Aluminium Products (Changshu) Co.,Ltd.
- Petty Officer,Second Class
- competitive price
- Atlanta Hawks
- stock exchange regulation