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risk of theft,pilferage and nondelivery (TPND)



1)risk of theft,pilferage and nondelivery (TPND),盗窃提货不着险2)steal,盗窃3)theft,盗窃4)Burglary,盗窃5)stealing,盗窃6)larceny,盗窃7)pilferage,盗窃8)rap and rend,盗窃9)ripoff,盗窃10)Furtum,盗窃


Analysis on the Criminal Law Rule of Stealing Municipal Public Installation Behavior;


Stealing credit cards and the "credit cards" being used do not include falsified cards or invalid cards.

信用卡诈骗罪中的“信用卡”应包含借记卡 ;盗窃信用卡并使用中的“信用卡” ,不包括伪卡或废卡 ;对拾得信用卡并获取密码而加以使用的行为 ,应以信用卡诈骗罪论处 ;对伪造信用卡并加以使用的行为 ,应以伪造金融票证罪论处。

With the network game springing up, the cases involving virtual property in the games are increasing , and there appears each kind of new crime forms like stealing the suppositional currency ,article ,or arms in the network games .


On the Dividing Line of Crime of Misappropriation and Offense of Theft;


However,with the diversification of property types,"the theft for use" gradually comes into the criminal theory of China.


The Reason,Feature and Investigation Countermeasure of the Burglary in the Rural Construction Process;


By analyzing the issue of legal application to the first QQ number theft case in mainland China,this article points out that such a case cannot be regarded as a burglary case according to the principle of legal punishment of a crime.


The thesis makes an analysis on the characteristics of the burglary in the office building and suggests some measures to crack the case.

办公楼盗窃案件具有预谋周密、侵害目标相对稳定以及顺线作案等特点 ,侦查工作中要细致勘查现场 ,科学地串并案

There are many cases that are stealing virtual property in internet games.


Virtual property of Internet games has actual economic value and the feature of disposable movable property,which could be the target of stealing.


The QQ numbers are objectively manageable and governable with economic values,which means they belongs to the "property" in Criminal Law and might become the object in the crime of stealing.


From psychological causes ,the article is to analyze student s larceny and to find out the negative factors which obstruct them to form healthy psychology and to discuss some ways to solve the problems.


Te article holds a view in the light of Criminal Procedure Law that private charge for the larceny by members of one s family is conducive to carry out a prosecution smoothly and beneficial to steady the family and society the family and society.


It suggests that the crime of forcible seizure be decomposed into two parts: one part should be assimilated into the crime of larceny, and the other into the crime of robbery.

倡导在我国刑法中拆解抢夺罪 ,将抢夺行为一部分归入盗窃罪 ,一部分纳入抢劫罪。