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A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.



1)A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.,此地无银三百两2)A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence,此地无银三百两3)location,此地4)this place at this moment,此时此地5)estranged city,此地他乡6)no such address,无此地址7)here and now,此时此地8)same time same venue,此时此地9)hereandnow,此时此地10)now and then principle,“此时此地”原则


Based on the hot spring resort of Shibei power-supply bureau,Guiyang,it is points out that the architecture designing should conform to the regional characteristics,especially in accordance with the mountainous country,and obey the principle-of this feeling,at this scenery and at this location.


Another ground at that time, this place at this moment——The design of 21B building of Harbin Engineering University;

彼时彼地 此时此地——哈尔滨工程大学21B教学实验楼方案设计理念

The Fictions of Hong Kong in the 1990s is frequently signified by the theme of the “estranged city” and “lost city”.

在 2 0世纪 90年代的香港小说中 ,经常出现“此地他乡”与“失却城市”的主题 :可能是漂流异国怀念故乡 ,可能是感慨眼前的城市面目全非 ,或者是新旧移民在安居乐业中透露对城市的陌生感 ,更对现代都市形态(噪音、建筑、生活方式 )感到疏离。