right of revocation
There are various occurrences in the civil law of the right of revocation,that is of private law in nature, and there are not enough discussions on the nature of it in general although discussions on its various aspects are many.
It is recognized that although real estate dual sales are not inhibited by law, the creditor (prior purchaser) could, under certain conditions, enforce the right of revocation.
不动产双重买卖并非法律所禁止行为 ,但债权人 (先买受人 )在一定条件下可行使撤销权。
Providing the act with defect in meaning expression obtains full effect,it is contrary to the autonomy of the parties,therefore,such act always does not have full validity in the civil law of many countries and it produces some relative rules,one of which is the exercise of right of rescission.
3 The creditor of the person who abandoned the right of succession cann t regard the acts as the subject-matter of the right of rescission.
论证了继承权放弃所涉及的两个问题 :1 放弃继承权人的子女可以行使代位继承权 ;2 放弃继承权人的债权人不能将继承权人放弃继承权的行为作为撤销权的标的。
The right of rescission is the expansive creditor s right.
撤销权是债的扩张 ,是一种实体权 ,其成立要件即为实体要件 ,具体成立要件因不同情况而不
Interests Protection for Donee and Creditor ——Understanding the System of Cancellation Right in Contract Law;
According to thepresent trust law s stipulation of our country, when the trustee was breachof trust to deal with trust property, the beneficiary could enforce hiscancellation right to cancel the trustee s conductor of breach of trust.
The tax revocation is a new system in our tax laws, but few people observe its nature in our country,there is no clear prescription in the contract laws and the tax laws of China about the nature of the right of evocation.
There is quite different for tax authorities to practice subrogation and revocation in the nature, method and procedure from the original civil subject.
With the functioning conditions and their influence on the effect of the contracts, the thesis mainly discusses the application of legal right of cancellation, licensed right of cancellation and right of termination of performance of a contract to a contract which can not be cancelled with free will.
本文从论述赠与合同撤销权的行使条件及其对赠与合同效力的影响入手 ,重点探讨法定撤销权和授权撤销权及终止履行权是否适用于不可任意撤销合同、赠与撤销权的行使程序、撤销权人行使撤销权给受赠人造成损失应否承担赔偿责任 ,以及捐助合同的撤销等问题。
There is no general priciple of restritions on the right of claiming cancellation toword mistake in German Civil Code.
On the Objective and Subjective Restraints for the Object of the Revoking Rights in Bankruptcy Law;
The obligee's cancellation right shall be exercised within one year, commencing on the date when it became, or should have become, aware of the cause for cancellation.
On Cancellation Right of Contracting Counterpart in Unconfirmed Contract;
(i) It fails to exercise the cancellation right within one year, commencing on the date when the party knew or should have known the cause for the cancellation;
(ii) Upon becoming aware of the cause for cancellation, it waives the cancellation right by express statement or by conduct.
The scope of cancellation right is limited to the extent of the obligee's right to performance.
A party's cancellation right is extinguished in any of the following circumstances:
The Actor and Exercise of the Right to Cancel the Resolution of Stockholder s Conference;
Talking about Some Problems of the Withdrawing Right in the <Contract Law>;
Analysis on the Rule of Revocation Rights and Perfection in the Contract Law;
On Real Estate Dual Sales and Enforceable Right of Revocation;
On the System Values and Legal Properties of the Cancellation Right in Bankruptcy Cases
The scope of cancellation right is limited to the extent of the obligee's right to performance. The necessary expenses for the obligee's exercise of its cancellation right shall be borne by the obligor.
The necessary expenses for the obligee's exercise of its cancellation right shall be borne by the obligor.
On Subrogation and Revocation Privileged by Tax Authorities;
Such cancellation right is extinguished if not exercised within five years, commencing on the date of occurrence of the obligor’s act.
This article will deal with and analyse the nature, important components and exercise of the right to revocation.
grant, withdraw a franchise
授予、 撤销特权.
- Atlanta Hawks
- Petty Officer,Second Class
- cash slip
- enterprise's headquarters
- forward contracts
- Mingxia Aluminium Products (Changshu) Co.,Ltd.
- basis order
- Shut down
- Facility
- competitive price
- self-operating deposit
- Manager (Admin)
- modernistic trend
- foreign exchange fluctuation
- Head Operations Development
- stock exchange regulation
- disinterested shareholder
- Output risk
- Dragon card
- Head Doctrine Management